Overview: Client Accounts

 Client Accounts allow you to secure, customize and organize your Client data.


Only Agency Accounts have access to Client Accounts. Learn more about how to become a Databox Agency Partner here

How to create a Client Account

  1.  Navigate to the Clients page
    1. Pro Tip: Client Accounts can also be created and accessed by clicking on the Switch Accounts icon at the top of the left-hand navigation bar. 
  2. Click the green + New Client button
  3. In the Create New Client Account window, enter the Client company name in the Client name text box
  4. Enter the Client's website in the  Client's website text box
  5. Select an Account Manager for this Client Account from your list of Agency users. To invite the appropriate Account Manager to your Account, select Invite new Account Manager and follow these steps to add the new user. 
  6. Click the green Create button to create the new Client Account. You will automatically be re-directed to the Clients page in your Agency Account.
    Learn how to add clients in bulk here

How to switch between Client Accounts

There are 3 ways to navigate between your Agency and Client Accounts.


Switch Accounts icon

  1.  From any page in Databox, click on the Switch Accounts icon in the top left of the navigation bar
  2. Click on a Client from the Available Client Account list to switch to the Client Account

Home page

  1. Navigate to the Home page 
  2. Click on the Client Accounts drop-down in the top right
  3. Click on a Client from the Available Client Account list to switch to the Client Account

Clients page

  1.   Navigate to the Clients page in your Agency Account
  2. Find the Client whose Account you want to switch to, using the Search bar if necessary
  3. Click on Switch Account to switch to the Client Account

How to use an Account Template in a Client Account

  1. Navigate to Databoards > Account Templates in your Client Account
  2. Find the Account Template you'd like to use with this Client, using the Search bar or Filters if necessary
  3. Hover over the Template and click USE TEMPLATE
  4. Select your Client's connected Data Sources to rebuild the Template as a Databoard. This Databoard will now be accessible from the Databoards page

How to edit a Client Account name

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  1. Navigate to the Clients page in your Agency Account
  2. Click on the green Open Account Management button on the top page, this will open the Clients page in your Account Management Application.
  3. Find the Client whose name you want to change, using the Search bar if necessary
  4. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Details button in the row where the Client Account is listed
  5. Click on the Edit button.
  6. Enter the new Client Account name in the Client name text box
  7. Click the green Save button to save the new Client Account name

How to change the Account Manager for a Client Account

Agency users can be specified as "Account Managers" for Client Accounts. This is a great way to differentiate between Account Managers and other Agency users that may need Client access. This also helps Account Managers create valuable views for their Clients on Client Performance Overviews

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  1. To change the Account Manager of a Client Account, navigate to the Clients page in your Agency Account
  2. Click on the green Open Account Management button on the top page, this will open the User Management in your Account Management Application.
  3. Find the Client whose plan you want to change, using the Search bar if necessary
  4. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Details button in the row where the Client Account is listed
  5. Click on the Edit button.
  6. In the Account Manager drop-down list, choose the new Account Manager for the Client Account
  7. Click the green Save button to save the new Account Manager for the Client Account

How to update User Access for a Client Account

Client Account access can be set to limit the users who can access the Client Account. 

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  1.  To update User Access for a Client Account, navigate to the Clients page in your Agency Account
  2. Click on the green Open Account Management button on the top page, this will open the User Management in your Account Management Application.
  3. Find the Client whose plan you want to change, using the Search bar if necessary
  4. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Details button  in the row where the Client Account is listed
  5. Click on the Edit button
  6. In the User Access section, select the appropriate radio button to either give all users, selected users, or no other users access to the Client Account
  7. Click the green  Save button to save the changes made

How to delete a Client Account

  1. To delete a Client Account, navigate to the Clients page in your Agency account
  2. Find the Client whose Account you want to delete, using the Search bar if necessary
  3. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Switch Account button in the row where the Client Account is listed
  4. Click Delete, this will open a window.
  5. Click the red Yes, Delete button to delete the account.

Please note that this action is irreversible, and once the Client Account is deleted, all the data associated with the Client Account such as Users, Data Sources, Databoards, Metrics etc. will be permanently lost. We recommend exercising caution before proceeding with this option. Deleting your Account cancels your Databox subscription as well.

How to use Client Performance Overviews

Learn how to use Client Performance Overviews here.