Overview: Metric Builder for Ahrefs Enterprise (SERP Overview)


How to access the Metric Builder for Ahrefs Enterprise (SERP Overview)


Navigate to Metrics > Custom Metrics to access the Metric Builder. Click the green + New Custom Metric button and select your connected Ahrefs Enterprise Account from the Data Source drop-down list. Select the SERP Overview radio button. 

Metric Builder is available on Professional and higher plans. Request a trial of Metric Builder by following these steps.

How to use the Metric Builder for Ahrefs Enterprise (SERP Overview)

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 2.00.56 PM

  • A) Data Source: This is the Ahrefs Enterprise Data Source that the Custom Metric is syncing data from.
  • B) Metric: Select a Metric from your connected Ahrefs Enterprise Data Source, such as Position, Traffic or URL Rating. 
  • C) Dimension: The Dimension parameter re-categorizes the returned Metric value based on common criteria. Examples of Dimensions are Title, Top Keyword, and Type. If no Dimension is selected, the Custom Metric will store 1 aggregated Metric value for each Date Range. 

Pro Tip: Add the word "by" in between the Metric and Dimension in order to determine an appropriate Custom Metric Name. 

  • D) Keywords: Enter the keyword to return SERP Overview for.
  • E) Country: Select the country you want to track the data for.
  • F) Top Positions (Optional): Select the number of top organic SERP positions to return. If not specified, all available positions will be returned.
  • G) Favourable Trend: By default, Trending up is positive is pre-selected, which will display the percentage change value on Datablocks as green when the Metric value has increased. If the Custom Metric you created has opposite trends, select Trending down is positive radio button. Learn more here.  
  • H) Preview data: After clicking Preview data, a Data Preview of the Custom Metric will be displayed. Daily Metric values are displayed in this section, along with the total Metric values for the Date Range in bold at the bottom. You can view the Data Preview for different Date Ranges by clicking on the drop-down list at the top of the Data Preview. 
  • I) Custom Metric Name: Enter a name for your Custom Metric. This Custom Metric name will be available in the Designer after saving. 
  • J) Save: Save your Custom Metric. 

How to create a Custom SERP Overview Metric [Example]

In this example, we'll create a Custom Metric to report on Traffic tracked in the Ahrefs Enterprise Account, split up based on Url.  


  1. Navigate to Metrics  > Custom Metrics
  2. Click the green + Custom Metric button
  3. Select the appropriate Ahrefs Enterprise Data Source
  4. Select the SERP Overview radio button.
  5. Select Traffic from the Metric drop-down list  
  6. Next, we'll select Url from the Dimension drop-down list so that the Traffic values returned are split up based on Url.
  7. We'll select Demo as the Keyword and United States as the Country
  8. In order to accurately explain what this Custom Metric is reporting on, we'll name the Custom Metric "Traffic by URL" 
  9. Click Preview data to generate a Data Preview of the Custom Metric. 
  10. Once we confirm that these are the results we're looking for, we'll click Save to save the Custom Metric. 

How to add a Custom SERP Overview Metric to a Databoard

Learn how to add a Custom Metric to a Databoard here.

Additional Information


Metric Considerations

  • Since Ahrefs API usage is monitored and limited with the monthly API units, you can choose how many items/rows (pages, keywords, backlinks, domains, anchors, countries, etc.) you will get with each metric.

    We have introduced the Data limit setting that can be set during the connection. This way, you will have more control over how much of the API credits will each sync use. You can choose between 3 and 100 (items/rows). This applies to all basic metrics.

    Your credit usage can be monitored in Ahrefs by checking the Limits & usage page, or Databox, using metrics like:

    • Time to API usage reset
    • Time to API key expiration
    • Workspace API limit
    • Workspace API usage
    • API key usage.
    For the custom metrics, users can set this limit using the Data limit field in the Metric Builder.
  • The Data Preview is limited to display a maximum of 20 Dimensions per Date Range for Dimensional Metrics. Dimensions will be sorted by descending value, therefore the 20 Dimensions with the highest total values will be displayed in the Data Preview for each Date Range.