Understanding the Bar visualization

Explore the Bar visualization to compare discrete values across time or dimensions, enabling clear insights and data-driven decisions for effective analysis.


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The Bar visualization is a standard graphical representation that displays discrete values over time or across different dimensions. This format is particularly effective for making comparisons across various periods or categories, allowing users to quickly identify differences and trends. With the ability to showcase multiple metrics simultaneously, the Bar visualization empowers teams to analyze performance and make informed decisions based on clear visual data.



The following features highlight the key functionalities of the Bar visualization:

  • A maximum of 15 bars can be displayed per data point, representing metrics or dimensions.
  • At the metric level, you can add lines for averages, trends, medians, and goals.
  • Comparisons are configured for each metric, with the option to integrate benchmark lines.
  • Individual bars can be stacked for a more comprehensive view.
  • Total figures above the chart can be toggled on or off based on your preferences.
  • The numbers and bars can be sorted based on their value, the name of the metric or dimension, change value, or by manually rearranging the metrics in a custom order.
  • An additional Y-axis can be included, with options for automatic and manual scaling.
  • Line edge smoothing can enhance the visual appeal of the chart.
  • The chart legend can be hidden to maximize the display area for the chart.

Use Cases

The Bar visualization is particularly useful in various scenarios, including:

  • Sales Performance Comparison: Compare sales figures for different products or regions over specific time frames, helping teams identify top sellers and areas for improvement.

  • Market Research Analysis: Display survey results or customer feedback ratings across different categories, allowing marketers to assess preferences and trends effectively.

  • Operational Metrics Tracking: Monitor performance indicators such as production output or service response times across departments, enabling organizations to identify operational efficiencies.

  • Budget Allocation: Compare budgeted vs. actual spending across various departments or projects, providing a clear view of financial performance against expectations.

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