Overview: Visualization Types

From the Visualization Types list, you can add a blank visualization to your Databoard that you then configure from scratch. 


How to access Visualization Types

Navigate to the Datablock Library in the Designer to access the Visualization Library. 

How to use Visualization Types


Number Line Graph Bar Chart
Combo Chart Pie Chart Table
Leaderboard Pipeline Funnel
Heat Map Progress Bar Radial Progress
Gauge Horizontal Bar Chart Spider
Bubble Data Story Text


Frame 421 (1)

Use Case

  • Used to show a total for one or more metrics or to draw attention to one or more key numbers.


  • Designed to display simple data
  • Compact, clear and precise 
  • Can view upto 15 Metrics side by side
  • Option to display a small chart below the number (This can be done for each metric separately or with the master switch of number visualization in Additional Settings). 


  • Can only show 1 comparison percentage (compare to previous period OR progress to goal OR same period last year etc.)
  • Does not display granularity or trends over time

Line Graph

Frame 460

Use Case

  • Used to give a more in-depth view of the trend, projection, average, and growth of a Metric over time.


  • Allows you to visualize patterns over a longer period and compare data to a previous period or goal (or both)
  • Common visualization that most people can easily analyze
  • Ability to add data from multiple Metrics which are displayed in the form of multiple lines on a Line Chart
  • Each Line Chart metric can be easily converted to a bar chart and vice versa. This means that each Line graph can be converted to a Combo Chart or a Bar Chart.
  • Lines can be stacked.
  • Ability to show Total number and values, or you can turn this off by a toggle.
  • Ability to add a custom second y-axis when the difference between Metric values is reasonably large (greater than 3x difference). This allows users to better identify fluctuations between two Metrics. 


  • Can display up to 15 Lines which means that 15 Metrics or Dimensions can be displayed. 

Bar Chart

Group 1828

Use Case

  • Used to show comparisons between values and identify patterns and trends over time


  • Allows you to visualize patterns over a longer period and compare data to a previous period or goal (or both)
  • Especially valuable when you want to compare different Dimensions to each other
    • Example: HubSpot Mktg: Sessions by Source on a Stacked Bar Graph would proportionally show the sources of your sessions in a given time period
  • Each Bar Chart metric can be easily converted to a Line Chart and vice versa, which means that each Bar Graph can convert to a Combo Chart or Line Chart.
  • Bars can be stacked.
  • Ability to show Total number and values, or you can turn this off by a toggle.
  • Ability to add a custom second y-axis when the difference between Metric values is reasonably large (greater than 3x difference). This allows users to better identify fluctuations between two Metrics. 


  • Can display up to 15 Bars which means that 15 Metrics or Dimensions can be displayed. 

Combo Chart

Frame 464

Use Case

  • Used to compare two different Metrics (combination of the Line Graph and Bar Graph).


  • Ability to track 15 Metrics/Dimensions that are related against one another in the form of Lines and Bars. 
  • Ability to compare the movement/ patterns of one Metric directly to the movement/ patterns of another Metric. This allows the viewer to easily recognize the correlation between these Metrics
  • Ability to add custom second y-axis when the difference between Metric values is reasonably large (greater than 3x difference). This allows users to better identify fluctuations between two Metrics. 


  • The second y-axis is automatically generated when the difference between Metric values is 3x or more. This is automatic and cannot be disabled. 

Pie Chart

Frame 390

Use Case

  • Used to illustrate numerical proportions through the size of the slices.


  • Easy to interpret
  • Great for showing distribution
    • Example: HubSpot Mktg: Sessions by Source on a Pie Chart would clearly show the distribution of traffic coming in from different channels
  • Can show comparisons to previous period, custom previous period or custom date range


  • Can only display up to 15 Dimensions
  • Don’t get the exact value or percentage change unless you hover over the slice of the Pie
  • Can not show comparisons with Goal
  • Does not display granularity or trends over time


Frame 425

Use Case

  • Used to list Metrics by order of importance, ranking, etc. for a clear view and comparisons of Metric values. List Metrics side-by-side to truly measure the impact on your business. 


  • Allows you to see exact values and comparison percentages
    • Example: HubSpot Mktg: Sessions by Source in a Table would clearly show how many Sessions each Source brought in, and how that compares to the previous period or goal
  • Can have 31 customizable columns, each with comparison percentages displayed.
    • Learn how to add columns to your Table here
  • Can show the Total SUM, AVG, MIN, or MAX.
  • Can display granularity or trends over time.


  • Can only have 1 customizable column + 1 comparison percentage column
  • If you add Standard Metrics, you can have a maximum of 15 rows. 


Frame 423 (1)

Use Case

  • Used to rank your team's activities such as who closed the biggest deal, what’s your best selling product or who from your support team helped the most users.


  • Can have 31 customizable Metric columns
  • Rows will be numbered
  • Can show comparisons to previous period or Goal


  • Metrics in the Leaderboard must have exactly the same Dimension names for data to populate


Frame 400

Use Case

  • Used to show the evolution of lead generation through the connection of marketing and sales data.


  • Displays data horizontally
  • Limit of 15 “rows” that can be added and uniquely mapped
  • Sort functionality tells the system whether or not to automatically rearrange the “row” items based on their value (highest → lowest) in order to create the typical Pipeline visual
  • Step Conversion option available
    • Can choose Step by Step, which shows the conversion percentages from stage 1 → stage 2, stage 2 → stage 3, stage 3 → stage 4, etc.
    • Can choose From First Value, which shows the conversion percentages from stage 1 → stage 2, stage 1 → stage 3, stage 1 → stage 4, etc.
    • Show Percent toggle allows you to turn these conversion percentages on or off
  • Can show comparisons to previous period, custom previous period or custom date range


  • Can not show comparisons with Goal or other Metric
  • Does not display granularity or trends over time


Frame 402

Use Case

  • Used to track the stages potential customers travel through in order to become a customer.


  • Displays data vertically
  • Limit of 15 “rows” that can be added and uniquely mapped
  • Sort functionality tells the system whether or not to automatically rearrange the “row” items based on their value (highest → lowest) in order to create the typical “funnel” visual
  • Step Conversion option available to accurately report on conversions
    • Can choose Step by Step, which shows the conversion percentages from stage 1 → stage 2, stage 2 → stage 3, stage 3 → stage 4, etc.
    • Can choose From First Value, which shows the conversion percentages from stage 1 → stage 2, stage 1 → stage 3, stage 1 → stage 4, etc.
    • Show Percent toggle allows you to turn these conversion percentages on or off
  • Can show comparisons to previous period, custom previous period or custom date range


  • Can not show comparisons with Goal or other Metric
  • Does not display granularity or trends over time

Heat Map

Frame 394

Use Case

  • Used to visually represent days that activity is exceptionally high or low.


  • Clearly highlights hours/ days/ months where the Metric value significantly increased or decreased 
  • Can show metric values
  • Can view comparisons to previous period or Goal when hoving over a tile


  • Key at the bottom updates with the Date Range (not always reflective of a typical calendar view)

Progress Bar

Frame 406

Use Case

  • Used to visually represent days that activity is exceptionally high or low.


  • Clearly shows progress towards reaching a Goal
  • Ability to select between Linear and Radial layouts
  • You can set a Goal, manual added value or you can select another Metric to track your progress. 


  • Can not show comparisons to previous period
  • Does not display granularity or trends over time

Radial Progress 

Frame 408

Use Case

Used to show the progress of one or multiple Metrics towards reaching a goal.


  • Clearly shows progress towards reaching a goal, which can be set automatically, through the Goals feature, as a manual set value, or as another metric.
  • Radial progress can be used for Standard Metrics and Dimensional Metrics. Learn more here
  • Enables clear and visually compelling comparisons of the progress of different metrics or dimensions.


  • Can display up to 15 metrics and 15 dimensions
  • Goals must be set for the appropriate date range for this visualization to work properly (setting a monthly goal won’t work with a date range of the last 30 days).
  • Can not show comparisons to the previous period
  • Does not display granularity or trends over time


Frame 397

Use Case

Used to show progress towards reaching a Goal or maximum value. 


  • Clearly shows progress towards reaching a Goal or manually entered value
  • Can set a Max Value directly in the Property Manager


  • Can not show comparisons to previous period
  • Does not display granularity or trends over time

Horizontal Bar Chart

 Frame 415

Use Case

  • Used to show comparisons between different metrics or dimensions.
  • It is particularly effective for displaying comparisons between different categories or entities. In a sales context, a Horizontal Bar Chart could be used to display the sales revenue of different products or regions. It would make it clear which product or region generated the most revenue by comparing the lengths of the bars.


  • Each bar represents a metric or dimension, and the length of the bar corresponds to the value of that metric or dimension, making it easy to see which is larger or smaller.
  • Easy to compare the magnitude of values across dimensional metrics at a glance. They are especially useful when you have many dimensions to compare.
  • Horizontal bars can be stacked to represent the composition of a whole metric by dividing it into dimensions. For example, in finance, you can show the distribution of a budget across different expense categories.
  • Each metric can include multiple compare options (previous period, custom period, goal, different metric)


  • Can display up to 15 metrics and 15 dimensions
  • With a very long list of metrics or dimensions, a Horizontal Bar Chart may become crowded and difficult to read. In such cases, you should consider alternative visualizations or grouping similar categories.

Spider Diagram

Frame 443

Use Case

  • Used to visualize multidimensional metrics to see how dimensions compare to one another or to the same dimension of a different metric.
  • A Spider diagram could be used to visualize the performance of different advertising channels (e.g., social media, email, PPC) across various key performance indicators (e.g., click-through Rate, Conversion Rate, Cost per Acquisition). This visualization would provide a quick overview of which channels are excelling in specific metrics.


  • While there are many visualizations that support visualizing multiple dimensions, seeing how they compare to one another is easier with Spider diagram.  
  • Excel at showcasing the relationships and comparisons between multiple multidimensional metrics. Each axis represents a different dimension, and the metric data points are connected to form a polygon, making it easy to identify patterns and trends for that metric.
  • Each metric can include multiple compare options (previous period, custom period, goal, different metric)


  • Can display up to 15 metrics with 15 dimensions (maximum 225 data points can be displayed on the graph)
  • Can become complex and difficult to interpret when you have a large number of metrics or dimensions. It's essential to strike a balance between the number of axes and the readability of the chart.
  • While Spider diagrams are excellent for comparing multiple metrics across various dimensions, they may not be the best choice for absolute value comparisons. If you need precise numerical comparisons, other chart types like bar charts or line charts might be more suitable.


Frame 413

Use Case

  • Used to visually represent Dimensional Metrics.
  • By comparing the size of the bubbles, you can quickly identify patterns and trends, such as clusters or outliers in the data.
  • Bubble chart will work best when used with Dimensional Metrics like Users by Country.


  • A Bubble Chart is a variation of a scatter plot where data points are represented as bubbles. The size of the bubble represents the value of a dimension or a metric. 
  • Can include metrics with negative values
  • Bubbles can display values as well as dimension names.
  • Each metric can include multiple compare options (previous period, custom period, goal, different metric)


  • Can display up to 15 metrics with 15 dimensions (maximum 225 bubbles).
  • If a custom color is selected for metric, all dimensions will have the same color bubble. To avoid that, leave the auto color selected.
  • Compare value will be only visible on the tooltip.

Data Story

Frame 442

The Data Story visualization type is available on Growth and Premium plans. Request a trial of the Data Story visualization by following these steps.

Use Case

  • Used to add additional context to data on Databoards


  • Can help you save time as you don’t need to write out every element such as Metric Value, Comparison Period Value, Comparison percentage, etc. 
  • Multiple metrics and custom text can be added to a data story to add engaging context to data on the databoard. 
  • Text can be stylized with different fonts, sizes, colors, etc.


  • Can display up to 15 Metrics (1 Dimension per Metric).
  • Single compare option (only 1 compare option per metric), but the same metric can be added multiple times to show different compare options.
  • The custom text needs to be universal (not positive or negative) as metric data changes


Use Case

Used to display images/ photos/ pictures or add additional information on a Databoard.


  • Allows the user to manually enter text directly onto the Databoard
  • Great to provide context and instruction to the viewer of the Databoard
  • Allows basic text markdown, including for URLs


  • Since this is manually entered text, it is not updating regularly like other Datablocks on the Databoard


Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 4.16.35 PM

Use Case

Used to display images/ photos/ pictures or add additional information on a Databoard.

Learn more about the image visualization here.


  • Allows the user to add an Image directly to the Databoard.
  • Ability to crop the image when adding it. 
  • Supported Formats: JPG, PNG, GIF


  • Since this is a manually entered image, it is not updated regularly like other Datablocks on the Databoard

How to add a Visualization Type to a Databoard

Learn how to add a visualization type to a Databoard here