- Access Custom Metrics and Metric Builder for LinkedIn Ads
- Use the Metric Builder for LinkedIn Ads
- Create a Custom LinkedIn Ads Metric [Example]
- Add a Custom LinkedIn Ads Metric to a Databoard
- Additional Information
How to access Custom Metrics and Metric Builder for LinkedIn Ads
Navigate to Metrics > Custom Metrics to access the Metric Builder for LinkedIn Ads. Click the green + New Custom Metric button and select your connected LinkedIn Ads Account from the Data Source drop-down list.
Metric Builder is available on the Professional and higher plans. Request a trial of Metric Builder by following these steps.
How to use the Metric Builder for LinkedIn Ads

Pro Tip: Add the word "by" in between the Metric and Dimension in order to determine an appropriate Custom Metric Name. From the Metric and Dimension examples outlined above, we could create the Custom Metrics "Impressions by Campaign," "Clicks by Campaign," or "Video Views by Ad (Creative)."
If the data synced from the Metric and Dimension fields meet the Filter specifications, the data is retained and included in the Custom Metric value. If the data synced from the Metric and Dimension fields don't meet the Filter specifications, the data is excluded from the Custom Metric value.
Pro Tip : If you don't know which Filters to put in place for your use case, use the Dimension + Data Preview to troubleshoot and get more insight into the data that is returned from your LinkedIn Ads Account for each field. Learn more here.
H) Save: Save your Custom Metric.
How to create a Custom LinkedIn Ads Metric [Example]
In this example, we'll create a Custom Metric to report on Conversions from our "Red" Campaign, split up based on Company Size.
- Navigate to Metrics > Custom Metrics
- Click the green + New Custom Metric button
- Select the appropriate LinkedIn Ads Data Source
- The Value we want returned is the number of Conversions, so we'll select Conversions from the Metric drop-down list
- We want all Conversions split up based on the company size, so we'll choose Company Size as the Dimension
- Since we only want to report on Conversions from our 'Red' Campaign, we'll add a Filter that specifies Campaign = Red
- In order to accurately explain what this Custom Metric is reporting on, we'll name the Custom Metric "Conv. by Company Size (Red Campaign)"
- Click Preview data to generate a Data Preview of the Custom Metric
- Once we confirm that these are the results we're looking for, we'll click Save to save the Custom Metric
How to add a Custom LinkedIn Ads Metric to a Databoard
Learn how to add a Custom Metric to a Databoard here.
Additional Information