Overview: Metric Builder for HubSpot Marketing (Landing Pages)


How to access Custom Metrics and Metric Builder for HubSpot Marketing (Landing Pages)

Navigate to  Metrics > Custom Metrics to access the Metric Builder for HubSpot Marketing. Click the green + New Custom Metric button and select your connected HubSpot Marketing Account from the Data Source drop-down list. Select the Landing Page button. 

Metric Builder is available on the Professional and higher plans. Request a trial of Metric Builder by following these steps.

How to use the Metric Builder for HubSpot Marketing (Landing Pages)
A)  Data Source: This is the Data Source that the Custom Metric is syncing data from.
B)  Metric: Select a Metric from your connected HubSpot Marketing Data Source, such as "Pageviews," "Avg Time on Page" or "CTA Clicks." 
C)  Dimension (Optional): The Dimensions parameter re-categorizes the returned Metric value based on common criteria. For this Metric Builder, Landing Page and Landing Page URL are Dimension options. If no Dimension is selected, the Custom Metric will store 1 aggregated Metric value for each Date Range. If Landing Title or Landing Page URL is selected as the Dimension, the Custom Metric will return a list of Metric Values split up by Landing Page Title or Landing Page URL. 

Pro Tip Add the word "by" in between the Metric and Dimension in order to determine an appropriate Custom Metric Name. From the Metric and Dimension examples outlined above, we could create the Custom Metrics "Pageviews by Landing Page," "Avg Time on Page by Landing Page," or "CTA Clicks by Landing Page."  


D) Invert Metric (Optional): This checkbox should be selected if a lower Metric value indicates positive growth / performance (i.e., Unsubscribers, Cost per Conversion, etc.) Inverting the Custom Metric in Databox will make it so an increase in the Metric value will show a red percentage change color on a Databolock, while a decrease in the Metric value will show a green percentage change color on a Datablock.   
E) Filter by (Optional): Filters restrict the data that gets included in the Custom Metric. All data that is returned is tested against the Filter(s). Multiple Filters can be combined using AND / OR boolean logic. Filters can be set based on Landing Pages or Metric Values. 
If the data synced from the Metric and Dimension fields meet the Filter specifications, the data is retained and included in the Custom Metric value. If the data synced from the Metric and Dimension fields don't meet the Filter specifications, the data is excluded from the Custom Metric value.
F)  Preview data: After clicking Preview data, a Data Preview of the Custom Metric will be displayed. Daily Metric values are displayed in this section, along with the total Metric values for the Date Range in bold at the bottom. You can view the Data Preview for different Date Ranges by clicking on the drop-down list at the top of the Data Preview.

Pro Tip: If you don't know which Filters to put in place for your use case, use the Dimension + Data Preview to troubleshoot and get more insight into the data that is returned from your HubSpot Marketing Account for each field. Learn more here.


G) Custom Metric Name: Enter a name for your Custom Metric. This Custom Metric Name will be available in the Designer after saving.
H) Save: Save your Custom Metric.

How to create a Custom Landing Page Metric [Example]

In this example, we'll create a Custom Metric to return a list of CTA Views by Landing Pages that have "Red" in the title.

  1. Navigate to Metrics > Custom Metrics
  2. Click the green + New Custom Metrics button
  3. Select the appropriate HubSpot Marketing Data Source and the  Landing Pages button
  4. We will select CTA Views from the Metric dropdown list, since we want to track the total amount of CTA Views per Landing Page
  5. Since we want to view the Landing Pages where the CTA Views were generated, we'll select  Landing Page from the  Dimension drop-down list.
  6. Lastly, we want to restrict the Custom Metric to only retain data for Landing Pages that contain Red in the title, so we'll add a Filter to the Custom Metric

    First, click on the  Advanced Options hyperlink to open the Filter section of the Metric Builder. Click on the Filter dropdown and select  Dimension. Next, we'll set the  Dimension as Landing Page the  Operator as Contains and enter Red in the  Value textbox.
  7. In order to accurately explain what this Custom Metric is reporting on, we'll name the Custom Metric  CTA Views by Landing Page (Red)
  8. Click Preview data to generate a Data Preview of the Custom Metric
  9. Once we confirm that these are the results we're looking for, we'll click Save to save the Custom Metric

How to add a Custom Landing Page Metric to a Databoard

  1. Open the selected Databoard in the Databox Designer, or create a new Databoard.
  2. Drag and drop a blank Datablock onto the Databoard from the Visualization Library.
  3. Select the appropriate HubSpot Marketing Data Source from the righthand Datablock Settings panel. This must be the same HubSpot Marketing Account that was selected when creating the Custom Metric. 
  4. Select the  Custom tab at the top of the  Metric drop-down list. 
  5. Select the Custom Metric name to populate the Datablock.

Additional Information

  • If there is no data returned for the specified Date Range(s), no data will be displayed in the Preview data.
  • Data is only available for published Landing Pages.
  • When using Filters to create Custom Metrics, data will only be returned for Landing Pages published within the last 36 months.
  • "Average Time on Page" is defined as the average amount of time a visitor stays on a particular page. This is calculated by the following equation: Total Time on Page / Pageviews on Page.