Overview: Databox Glossary

A | B | C | D | E | F | GI | L | M | N | P | S | T | U | V


  • Account Manager: The user primarily responsible for managing the Client. One Account Manager can be set for each Client Account. You can filter by Account Manager on multiple screens in your Agency Account to produce optimal views. [Help Doc]
  • Account Owner: The owner of the Databox Account. One Account Owner must be selected for each Account. The Account Owner always has Admin permissions. [Help Doc]
  • Account Progress: Tasks are designed to help you get set up with Databox while practicing the habits that have proven to be successful. Completing Account Progress tasks earns certification badges. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Account Templates: Agency Partners can create Account Templates to standardize versions of dashboards and automate Client reporting. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Advanced Settings: The Advanced Settings window allows you to change the way data is displayed on a Datablock using advanced fields like Granularity, Format, and Scale. This window is accessible from the Datablock Editor. [Help Doc]
  • Agency Account: A Databox Account meant for Agency use. Under an Agency Account you can add multiple Client Accounts. [Help Doc]
  • Aggregation: Helps determine how the data is handled based on the selected Granularity and Date Range. The 1st Aggregation field is linked to the Granularity selection, while the 2nd Aggregation field is linked to the Granularity AND Date Range selection. [Help Doc]
  • Alerts: Notifications that are triggered based on current Metric values. Alerts can be delivered via email, Slack, or mobile push notification. [In-App] | [Help Doc]


  • Basic Metrics: Metrics that are natively available from a Data Source without the use of Metric Builder or Data Calculations. All Metrics can be classified as either “Basic Metrics,” “Calculated Metrics,” or “Custom Metrics.” [Help Doc]


  • Calculated Metrics: Metrics that are built using Data Calculations. Metrics can be classified as either “Calculated Metrics,” “Basic Metrics,” or “Custom Metrics.” [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Client Account: A Databox Account meant for Agencies to use with Clients. One Client Account should host all data for one Client. [Help Doc]
  • Comparison Value: The data that the current Metric value is measured against in order to add more context to your current performance. Comparison Value options typically include “Previous Period,” “Same Period Last Year,” ''Custom Range,'', ''Other Metric'' and “Goal.” [Help Doc]
  • Comparison Percentage: The red or green number displayed next to a Metric value. This number represents the difference between the current Metric value and the Comparison Value. The color represents if this difference is desirable or not. [Help Doc]
  • Custom Metrics: Metrics that are built using Metric Builder. All Metrics can be classified as either “Custom Metrics,” “Basic Metrics,” or “Calculated Metrics.” [In-App] | [Help Doc]


  • Data Calculations: A calculator-like tool in Databox that allows you to add, subtract, multiply, and divide Metrics from any Data Source. Metrics built using Data Calculations are called Calculated Metrics. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Data Source: A platform or application that stores your data. Databox integrates 70+ Data Sources. [Website] | [Help Doc]
  • Data Source: Data Source connected in your Databox Account. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Datablock: The combination of a Metric and visualization. Databoards are made up of Datablocks. [Help Doc]
  • Datablock Editor: The righthand panel in the Designer that allows you to customize Datablocks. Using the Datablock Editor you can add a Datablock title, select a Data Source and Metric to display, choose a Date Range, and more. [Help Doc]
  • Datablock Library: Over 3,000 pre-built Datablocks based on commonly used Metrics and Visualization Types that are designed to help you build Databoards faster. The Datablock Library is accessible from the lefthand side of the Designer. [Help Doc]
  • Databoard: A Databox dashboard. Each Databoard is an 16x8 grid that can be populated with Datablocks. Multiple Databoards can be looped together in Carousel Mode to create a comprehensive presentation. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Databoard Designer: The top panel in the Designer that allows you to customize and share the Databoard. Using Databoard Settings you can add a background color and logo, access the Shareable Link, and more. [Help Doc]
  • Databox: A business analytics platform that pulls your data into one place so you can track performance and discover insights in real-time. Mix and match data from different sources in one dashboard to get a more complete view of your performance at a glance. [Website]
  • Date Range: The period of time that data is displayed for. Pre-defined (e.g. “Month to Date,” “Last 30 Days,” “This Quarter,” etc.) and Custom Date Ranges are available in Databox. Custom Date Range allows you to select the start and end dates for a Date Range. [Help Doc]
  • Dimension: A common property (like original traffic source, country, or ad) that further breaks up a Metric. Metrics that are split up by a specified Dimension are called Dimensional Metrics. Dimensional Metrics are typically named with the naming convention “[Metric Name] by [Dimension Name],” like “Closed Won Deals by Owner” (Metric = “Closed Won Deals,” Dimension = “Owner”) and “Amount Spent by Ad Set” (Metric = “Amount Spent,” Dimension = “Ad Set”). [Help Doc]
  • Dimensional Metrics: A Metric split up based on a specified Dimension or property. Dimensions like age, gender, location, or traffic source help provide further context. Dimensional Metrics are typically named with the naming convention “[Metric Name] by [Dimension Name],” like “Sessions by Source” (Metric = “Sessions,” “Dimension = “Source”) and “Impressions by Campaign” (Metric = “Impressions,” “Dimension = “Campaign”).  All Metrics can be classified as either “Dimensional Metrics” or “Standard Metrics.” [Help Doc]


  • Embed: HTML code that allows you to share and publish live dashboards on any web page, blog post, wiki page, web application, or intranet portal. [Help Doc]


  • Favorite Databoards: Flagged Databoards that are visible on your Home screen. Each user can select their own Favorite Databoards. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Favorite Goals: Flagged Goals that are visible on your Home screen. Each user can select their own Favorite Goals. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Favorite Metrics: Flagged Metrics that are visible on your Home screen. Each user can select their own Favorite Metrics. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Format: Determines the way the numerical Metric value is displayed, including any symbols, the number of significant digits, and more. [Help Doc]


  • Goals: Numerical targets set for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly Date Ranges. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Goals Overview: A high-level overview available in an Agency Account that displays the current progress towards reaching Goals set in Client Accounts. Red and green indicators are used so you can quickly understand performance. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Goal Owner: The user primarily responsible for reaching the Goal, or the user managing the group of people who are responsible for reaching the Goal. One Goal Owner can be set for each Goal. You can filter by Goal Owner from the Goals screen to produce optimal views. [Help Doc]
  • Granularity: Refers to the level of detail present in a set of data. Some Metrics support Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Granularity, while others have some limitations in terms of Granularity options. The Granularity that should be selected depends on the Date Range of the Datablock. [Help Doc]


  • Insights Activity: A reverse chronological stream (like Facebook's activity stream) giving you updates about the performance of your business (and your client's business if you're using an Agency account) as things happen. [Help Doc]


  • Last Updated: Refers to the last time the Databoard's data points were updated. [Help Doc]
  • Looped Databoards: A string of Databoards looped together to create a comprehensive presentation of dashboards. Looped Databoards are visible through one Shareable Link. [Help Doc]


  • Metrics: Quantitative measurements of performance. Every Metric must be associated with a numerical value. [Help Doc]
  • Metric Builder: A tool in Databox that allows you to build your own Metrics using Filters, and more. Metrics built using Metric Builder are called Custom Metrics. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Metric Forecast: A powerful tool that allows you to predict the performance of your Metrics for different time periods. Based on historical data, seasonality and machine-learning models, Databox's forecasting methodology calculates forecasting values with a high degree of accuracy so that you can make data-driven decisions to achieve your goals and stay ahead of your competition. [In-App] [Help Doc]
  • Metric Library: Over 2,000 Basic, Custom, and Calculated Metrics available from the various Data Sources that Databox integrates with. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Metrics screen: A central location where you can align your team around the Metrics that matter, monitor your performance, set goals, and more. Navigate to Metrics to access the Metrics screen. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Metric Performance Overview: A high-level overview available in an Agency Account that displays up to 5 KPIs for each Client Account. Red and green indicators are used so you can quickly understand performance. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Mobile app: Available for iOS and Android. Allows you and your team to view mobile-optimized versions of all of your Databoards, track your progress toward reaching goals, receive important alerts on performance, edit your Databoards, add your observations to specific metrics, share those observations with your team, and more. [Help Doc]
  • My Metrics: A list of the Metrics that you added to your Metrics screen, accessible from the lefthand side of the Designer. This makes it easier to build dashboards with the Metrics that are significant to you. [Help Doc]


  • Notifications: Time-based and performance-based messages sent out via email, mobile push notification, or Slack to help you stay up-to-date on your data. Notifications include Scorecards, Scheduled Snapshots, and Alerts. [In-App] | [Help Doc]


  • Partner Directory: Public listing of data-driven agencies that go out of their way to stay on top of client data. These agencies use Databox to monitor data and automatically generate reports from dozens of services. [Link] | [Help Doc]
  • Performance Screen: The Performance Screen allows each user to select and quickly access the Metrics, Goals, Databoards, and Reports that matter to them most. From the Performance Screen, you can get instant insights into your top-performing and under-performing Metrics. You can also customize what's displayed and track your Account activity in Databox. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Public Templates: Over 300 pre-built Databoards based on common use cases that are designed to help you get set up faster. [In-App] | [Help Doc]


  • Shareable Link: A unique web page outside of the Databox app where your Databoards are accessible. Sharing the Shareable Link does not share direct access to your Databox Account. [Help Doc]
  • Scale: determines the rounding that is applied to the Metric Value. By default, the Scale is set to “Auto Scale,” meaning as the Metric Value changes the Scale may change as well. This is done in an effort to display the Metric Value on the Datablock in the best way possible. [Help Doc]
  • Scheduled Snapshots: Automated Databoard exports. Scheduled Snapshots can be delivered as PDFs or JPGs on a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Scorecards: daily, weekly or monthly updates on your top KPIs delivered via email, mobile push notification, and/ or Slack. [In-App] | [Help Doc]
  • Standard Metrics: Metrics that only store and display 1 Metric Value for each Date Range, such as “Sessions” or “Impressions.”All Metrics can be classified as either “Standard Metrics” or “Dimensional Metrics.” [Help Doc]


  • Tags: An organizational tool in Databox that can be used to differentiate between Metrics, Databoards, Goals, Custom & Calculated Metrics, and Clients. [Help Doc]


  • Users: People who have access to the Databox Account. An email address can only be associated with 1 user in Databox, but variations of the same email address are accepted. [In-App] | [Help Doc]


  • Visualization Types: The chart, table, or graph that is used to display your data. [Help Doc]