Overview: Benchmark Groups

Databox's Benchmark Groups product allows you to benchmark your company's performance against groups of similar companies and helps you set better strategies, business goals, and improve overall performance. A Benchmark Group is defined by cohort characteristics, such as company size, yearly revenue, type of business or industry, and the selected set of metrics from different sources. 

In this document, we will review the guidelines and key features to help you join, create and set up a Benchmark Group, so you can effectively compare your performance data.

    The following actions made in your Benchmark Groups Account will be reflected in your Databox Analytics Account as well:
  1. Managing Data Sources (e.g. adding, reconnecting, or deleting a Data Source)
  2. Managing Users (e.g adding or deleting a User)
  3. Managing Clients (e.g adding or deleting a Client)
  4. Updating Company information

Pro Tip: Agencies are also able to use Benchmark Groups for comparing performance for their Client Accounts. Learn more about how to become a Databox Agency Partner here.


  1. Access Benchmark Groups
  2. Manage Benchmark Groups Account
  3. View Benchmark Group Features
  4. Use the Benchmark Explorer
  5. Use Benchmark Groups
  6. Join Benchmark Groups
  7. Share Bechmark Groups
  8. Create Benchmark Groups
  9. Use Benchmark Groups for your Clients
  10. View Benchmarks
  11. Manage your Data Sources

How to access Benchmark Groups

You can access the Benchmark Groups page at http://benchmarks.databox.com/.

How to manage your Benchmark Groups Account


  1. How to login to your Benchmark Groups Account (Databox Analytics Users)
  2. How to login to Benchmark Groups Account (non-Databox Analytics Users)
  3. How to edit your Benchmark Groups Account
  4. How to switch between Agency and Client Accounts

How to login to your Benchmark Groups Account (Databox Analytics Users)

If you already have a Databox Analytics Account, follow the steps below to login:

  1. Open https://benchmarks.databox.com/ and navigate to  Login at the top right-hand side.
  2. Enter your login credentials and click the blue  Sign in button. 

How to login to Benchmark Groups Account (non-Databox Analytics Users)

If you don't have a Databox Analytics account, follow the steps below to set up your account:

  1.  Open https://benchmarks.databox.com/ and navigate to Sign Up at the top right-hand side.
  2. Enter your Personal and Company Information.
  3. Once you've enter all the information, click the blue Create account button to create your Benchmark Account.

How to edit your Benchmark Groups Account

You can edit your Benchmark Groups Account by navigating to the Account and selecting a desired option from the drop-down, such as Profile, Data management, User management, Client Management or Company information.

A) Profile: You can access the Account Management Application from here to update your account and user information, including your name, password, and security-related settings. You can also invite new users to your account. Learn more about updating your Profile in the Account Management Application here
B) Data management: Benchmark Data Management will display the Data Sources as they are set up in the Databox Analytics Account. You can also connect, reconnect, or delete a Data Source here. Learn more about Data management here.
C) User management: Benchmark User Management will display the users as they are set up in the Databox Analytics Account. You can access the Account Management Application from here to add users, set their roles and delete them. Learn more about User Management here.
D) Client Management:  Benchmark Client Management will display the Client Acconts as they are set up in the Databox Analytics Account. You can add Clients Accounts in Client Management and you can also switch between the Agency and Client Accounts. Learn more about Client Management here
E) Company information:  Edit your company information here such as your Industry, Business type, Number of Employees or Annual revenue. Learn more about updating your Company Information to join Benchmark Groups here.

How to switch between Agency and Client Accounts

Only Agency Accounts have access to Client Accounts. Learn more about how to become a Databox Agency Partner here

To switch between your Agency and Client Accounts, follow the steps here

How to view Benchmark Group Features

 bg 1
A) Benchmark Explorer: By using this feature you can search for the metric or integration you need, and browse through hundreds of Sales, Marketing and Revenue benchmarks.You can also build a custom Benchmark Report with the numbers you care about, and get email updates as they change every month.
B) Niche Groups: This consists of groups hosted by our partnering agencies. We’ve partnered with leading agencies who specialize in helping companies in various niches improve their performance. You can join their featured groups to see how you stack up to companies in your niche, and to get survey insights on how you can improve performance.
C) Host Groups: As a group owner, you can create an invite-only Benchmark Group from here by defining conditions for your group and setting the required Data Sources and Metrics. 
D) Saved Benchmarks:  Saved Benchmarks consists of 4 sections:
  1. Joined Groups: Consists of all of the groups you have joined. As a group member, you are able to view the benchmarks of the groups you have joined if you meet the specified group criteria and if you have data available for the specific benchmark.
  2. Hosted Groups: Consists of all of the groups you have created. As a group owner, you can create an invite-only Benchmark Group by defining conditions for your group and setting the required Data Sources and Metrics.
  3. Draft Groups: Consists of all the drafts of the groups you have not published yet.
  4. My Reports: Consists of all the Benchmark Reports you have created and saved by using the Benchmark Explorer. 
E) All Groups: Consists of all of the open groups (public groups) you can join. You can filter the Benchmark Groups by Industry sector, Number of employees, Annual revenue and Business type.

How to use the Benchmark Explorer

Learn how to use the Benchmark Explorer here.

How to use Benchmark Groups

use bg 2 
A) Search: Use the Search bar to find any specific group you want to join.
B) Sort by: Click the drop-down arrow to sort the benmark groups by Popularity, Most recent, Name ascending and Name descending. 
C) Data Sources: Click the drop-down arrow to filter the groups by a specific Data Source.
D) Group filters: Click the drop-down arrow to filter the groups. You can filter the benchmark groups by Industry sector, Number of employees, Annual revenue and Business type. 
E) Group name: This shows the name of the group you can join.
F) View Group: Click View Group > Join group in order to join the group.
G) Data Sources and Metrics: The Data Sources you will have to connect to contribute to the Benchmarks.
H) Group criteria: The criteria of the group you have to meet in order to join the selected group.
I) Group contributors: The contributors who have contributed with their data for the Benchmarks of the group.

How to join Benchmark Groups

Join BG

  1. Navigate to All Groups.
  2. Find the group you'd like to join using the Search bar or Group filters if necessarity
  3. Navigate to the group you would like to join and click the green View  group button.
  4. Click on the blue + Join group button. This will open a new window where you will be prompted to connect your Data Source(s).
  5. Select your Data Source(s) from the drop-down. If you don't have the required Data Source connected, click the green Connect New button to connect it.

Pro Tip: To join a group, you have to connect at least one Data Source in the group. You'll be able to see Benchmarks in the group only for Data Sources you've connected.

6. Next, click on the blue Continue button to join the group.   

How to share Benchmark Groups
Share BG
  1. Navigate to Saved Benchmarks > Joined Group
  2. Next, navigate to the group you would like to share and click the green View group button.
  3. Click on the blue Share button, this will open a pop-up window.
  4. Click on the Twitter or LinkedIn buttons to share the Benchmark Group on Twitter or LinkedIn. You can also share the Benchmark Group via a link. Click on the blue Copy URL button, you can paste this URL in an email, slack etc. to share this group with anyone who would like to join this specific Benchmark Group. 

How to create Benchmark Groups

Creating your own Benchmark Groups gives you control over which data sources and metrics are included in your Benchmark and allows you to invite (and remove) members from your group.


  1. How to create a Group [Example]
  2. How to invite Members to your Invite-Only Group
  3. How to manage Members of your Invite-Only Group
  4. How to use your invite-only Benchmark Group to increase leads

How to create a Group [Example]

create group 1

Pro Tip: The Benchmark Group you create as a group owner will be a invite-only group (accessible by invite only) and will not be visible to the public. You can invite members to join your group after you have created it, Learn more here.

  1. Navigate to Host Group and click the + Create new group button. This will create a draft of the group.
  2. Navigate to the Select Metrics section and click on the Select from Preset button to select Metrics for your group. You can select any of the  pre-selected sets of Metrics or you can choose  Custom Selection
The three pre-selected sets of Metrics are  Financial BenchmarksSocial Media Benchmarks and Google Analytics 4. These pre-selected sets contain Popular Metrics of Data Sources related to that specific set. 
If you choose Custom Selection, enter the name of a Metric in the  Search bar to find the Metric you're looking for. You can filter out Metrics for a specific Data Source by using the  Data Sources drop-down. 
3. Add more Metrics to your group by clicking on + Add Metric. In this example, we'll select Impressions as the Metric and Instagram Business as the Data Source.

Pro Tip: You can add up to 10 Metrics to your Benchmark Group 

4. Click on the  Save Selection button to save your Metric.
5. Navigate to the  Group name and Group description section at the top of the page and click the  Autogenerate button. This will automatically generate a name and description of your group according to the Metrics and Data Sources you have selected.
Our auto-generated group name is "LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Ads and Instagram Business Benchmarks" and the Group description is "Explore benchmarks for metrics like Impressions, Clicks, Spent, Amount Spent, Impressions, Link Clicks and Impressions.".

Pro Tip: You can click on your Group name and Group description to edit them. 

 6. In the Group Limitations section, click Add Condition to select conditions to define your group. You can define your group by the Business type , Company size, Industry, and/ or  Revenue. Click Save Selection to save the group limitation parameters. We'll select the Company size and select all.

Pro Tip: You have to select at least 1 limitation for your group. By selecting conditions you  limit which members are included in the calculation of the benchmarks for this group. To include most of the members, choose Company size and select all.

7. Next, click on the green Publish button. 

Pro Tip: The benchmarks will be calculated only if your group has enough members to meet the group criteria and if their Data Sources have data for the last month.

How to invite Members to your Invite-Only group

invite members

  1. Navigate to Saved Benchmarks > My Groups.
  2. Next, navigate to the group you want to manage and click on blue Manage Group button.
  3. Click on the Members tab.
  4. Click on the green Invite more members button.
  5. Enter the E-mail addresses of the members you want to add. You can send a personal note with your email in the Add personal note to email field.
  6. Click on the blue Send invites button. You can also invite members to your Benchmark Group via a link. Click on the blue Copy URL button, you can paste this URL in an email, slack etc. to share this group with anyone who would like to join this specific Benchmark Group.

How to manage Members of your Inivite-Only groups

Pro Tip: The Group's owner and users in owner's Databox Account with sufficient permissions (i.e. Admins and Editors) will be able to see and manage the group members.

  1. Navigate to Saved Benchmarks > My Groups.
  2. Next, navigate to the group you want to manage and click on blue Manage Group button.
  3. Click on the  Members tab.
  4. Hover over the  Member you want to delete and click on the Settings icon in the right-hand side.
  5. Click Remove to remove the member from the group. 

Pro Tip: When a member is removed from the group, it will appear below in the  Member removed section. You can restore the member to the group by hovering over the Member  > click on  Settings icon Restore Member.

How to use your invite-only Benchmark Group to increase leads

Learn how to use your invite-only Benchmark Group to increase leads here


How to use Benchmark Groups for your Clients

Learn how to use Benchmark Groups for your Clients here

How to view Benchmarks

A Benchmark is a set of statistics calculated for a given metric in a benchmark group.

Learn how to use Benchmarks here.

How to manage your Data Sources

All data management actions made in Benchmark Groups will be reflected in your Databox Analytics Account as well (e.g. adding, reconnecting and deleting a Data Source, etc.).

Learn how to manage your Data Sources here.