The Metric Builders for Matomo allow you to create Custom Metrics based on Standard Report and Dimension Report data. A summary of each Metric Builder for Matomo is outlined below, along with links to full documents outlining the functionality of each Metric Builder.
Metric Builder is available on the Professional and higher plans. Request a trial of Metric Builder by following these steps.
How the Metric Builder for Standard Report works
To track Standard Report based Metrics, like Visits, Pageviews, Downloads, etc. during a specified Date Range, you'll want to use the Metric Builder for Standard Reports.

This Metric Builder allows you to access Standard Report specific data.
Sample Custom Metrics: ''Visits", "Pageviews'', ''Downloads"
Learn more about the Metric Builder for Standard Report here.
How the Metric Builder for Dimension Report works
To track Dimension Report-based Metrics, like Visits, Total Searches or Clicks, etc. during a specified Date Range, you'll want to use the Metric Builder for Dimension Report.

This Metric Builder allows you to access Dimension Report-specific Metrics.
Sample Custom Metrics: "Visits by Country","Total Searches by Device Type", "Clicks by Channel Type."
Learn more about the Metric Builder for Dimension Report here.