Master Overview: Account Templates

Databox offers Account Templates, so you can easily create insightful Databoards and Reports in just a few clicks and make your reporting process more efficient. Account Templates make it easier for Agency Partners to automate Client reporting. As an Agency Partner, you can save the Account Templates in your Agency Account and easily access and repopulate them with unique data in all of your Client Accounts.

However, if you don't have Client Accounts, you can still get value out of Account Templates. As a standard user, you can create standardized versions of Databoards and Reports that focus on different initiatives or projects.

Below, you can learn more about Account Templates for Databoards (which are often used to monitor performance throughout the month) and Account Templates for Reports (which are often used to present performance results at the end of a week, month, or quarter). 


How to use Account Templates for Databoards


To automate the creation of dashboards to monitor live performance data, you can use Databoard Account Templates. These Databoard Account Templates can be accessed from within Client Accounts, so you can repopulate them with your client's data and then make adjustments to meet their specific needs. 

Learn more Account Templates for Databoards here.

How to use Account Templates for Reports 


To easily automate your reporting process and create comprehensive performance reports, you can use Report Account Templates. These Report Account Templates help create a standard for reporting across your Client Accounts, so you can produce insightful Reports with ease. 

Learn more about Account Templates for Reports here.