How to import data sets and spreadsheets to a Google Sheet

The Google Sheets integration makes it easy to upload data to Databox. In order to import .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlt, .xltx, .xltm, .ods, .csv, .txt, .tsv, and .tab files to Google Sheets, follow the steps below.

If you prefer, you can learn directly from Google's documentation here

  1. Create a new Google Sheet
  2. Select File > Import
  3. Select the file to import. Supported file types are .xls (if newer than Microsoft® Office 95), .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlt, .xltx, .xltm, .ods, .csv, .txt, .tsv, and .tab. 
  4. Select an Import Location. Import options are dependent on the file type. 
    1. Create new spreadsheet: Create a spreadsheet from the imported data in a new browser tab.
    2. Insert new sheets: Adds new sheets with the imported data to your existing spreadsheet.
    3. Replace spreadsheet: Replace the open spreadsheet with the data in your imported file.
    4. Replace current sheet: Replace the current sheet’s contents with the imported data.
    5. Append rows to current sheet: Adds the imported data to the current sheet after the last row with any data.
    6. Replace data starting at selected cell: Replace the data in a range of selected cells with the imported data
  5. If you are importing a plain text file (i.e., .csv or .txt), select a  Separator type. This will letter or symbol will be used by Google Sheets to separate cells. 
    1. Detect automatically: This will automatically find ways to split your data set. For example, it can detect fixed-width-formatted files.
    2. Tab: This will split your data set based on tabs. 
    3. Comma: This will split your data set based on commas. 
    4. Custom: Choose a custom character to split your data. 
  6. Select whether you would like to Convert text to numbers, dates, and formulas. In most cases, you should select "Yes." 
  7.  Click Import