How to identify Dimension names using Metric Builder

Using the Dimension field in the Metric Builder, you can get more insight into the exact data that's being synced from the Data Source's API. This information can help troubleshoot and determine any filters that should be put in place. 

Metric Builder is available on the Professional and higher plans. Request a trial of Metric Builder by following these steps.


How to identify Dimension names using Metric Builder

Dimensions allow you to re-categorize the returned Metric values based on a similar attribute. Examples of Dimensions are "Country," "Source" and "Campaign." These Dimensions allow you to create Dimensional Metrics that store lists of data, such as "Sessions by Country," "Leads by Source," and "Impressions by Campaign." Any of these Metrics could be added to a Pie Chart or a Table to produce a Datablock that reports on the Metric value split up by the Dimension parameter.

After clicking the Preview data button for a Custom Metric in the Metric Builder, a Data Preview is generated at the bottom of the screen. The Data Preview allows you to get a more granular view into exactly what is being synced from the Data Source's API. 

When a Dimension is not selected for a Custom Metric, the Data Preview simply shows the Dates + Metric Values that are returned from the Data Source's API. 

When a Dimension is selected for a Custom Metric, the Data Preview expands to show the Dates + Dimensions + Metric Values that are returned for the Custom Metric. 

Since Dimensions are typically Strings, this can give you more insight into exactly what's being tracked by the selected Dimension and what's being returned from the Data Source's API. 

How to identify Dimension names using Metric Builder [Example]

Let's say I want to report on the number of New Users on the pricing page of my website. 

Since I have 1 specific page that I want to analyze, I know I need to add a Filter to the Custom Metric instructing the system to only retain data for New Users tracked to this specific page. However, I've run into a roadblock because I don't know the exact parameters to put in place to Filter data for this one page. 

1. In the Metric Builder, I'll start by selecting Google Analytics as the Data Source, entering   New Users to Pricing Page as the Custom Metric Name, selecting   New Users as the Metric, choosing any significant Date Ranges, and selecting  Previous Period as the Compare With period for my Custom Metric. These are the basics that I already know and feel comfortable putting in place. 

2. After exploring the options available in the Dimensions drop-down list, I've decided that "Page Path Level 1" may allow me to zero in on the page I am focused on. To confirm, I'll select  Page Path Level 1 as the Dimension and will click Preview data 

3. In the Data Preview, I can see the results returned from my selected Google Analytics Account. After looking through the data, I can see that "Page Path Level 1" is only pulling a piece of the URL for each page. Because of that, I can determine that this is not the correct Dimension to add to my Filter.

4. After looking through the Dimensions drop-down list again, I've found another field of interest called "Page." I'll select Page as the Dimension and will click P review data 

5. In the Data Preview, I can see that these results are granular enough for me to use "Page" as the Filtered Dimension. I will search the Data Preview section for the page I'm interested in, and will copy the String. 


6. Next, I'll remove Page from the Dimension field. Selecting a Dimension is optional, and for my use case, it's not necessary for the Custom Metric. 

However, if my Custom Metric was meant to show "New Users by Device to Pricing Page" rather than just "New Users to Pricing Page," I'd add Device to the Dimension field. 
7. Open the Filter section by clicking the Advanced options text. 
8. Open the Filter drop-down and select by Dimension.
9. Open the Dimension drop-down in the Filter and select Page.  
10. Open the Operator drop-down and select Exact match.  
11. Paste the copied page String in the Dimension text box. 

12. Finally, I'll click Preview data to generate a new Data Preview.
13. After reviewing the data in the Data Preview, I've determined that this Custom Metric is complete, so I'll click the green  Save button  to complete the process.