Guide: Using TikTok Ads with Databox


How to connect TikTok Ads to Databox


How to connect TikTok Ads to Databox

To connect a Tiktok Ads Account in Databox, go to  Data Manager > + New connection. Type Tiktok Ads in the search bar and click on the green Connect button. Next, click the green Connect now button.

This will open the  Authorization window, which is where you will be prompted to enter your TikTok Ads login credentials and authorize the Databox app. 

Pro Tip: If you are using an ad blocker on your internet browser, you might not be able to connect your TikTok Ads account with Databox. To successfully connect TikTok Ads to Databox we recommend using an incognito window to bypass any blockers or extensions.

If you have multiple advertiser accounts within your TikTok Ads Account, you will be prompted to select the advertiser account that you want to connect with Databox.

Pro Tip: Each TikTok Ads advertiser account must be connected as a separate Data Source in Databox (1 Account = 1 Data Source).  Learn more  here .

What's the maximum amount of historical data initially available when you use a new TikTok Ads Data Source Metric in Databox?

Data is synced for the Metrics that are being used in your Account, so when you first use a new TikTok Ads Metric, the maximum amount of historical data available is 36 months. 

Pro Tip: In order to start syncing data for a Metric, you can add it to your Metrics screen, use it in a Scorecard, set a Goal around it, create an Alert for it, or add it to a Databoard. Learn more here.    

The amount of historical data you're able to access in Databox is dependent on your Databox plan. Learn more here

What time zone does TikTok Ads data sync in? 

TikTok Ads data is synced in the time zone set in the TikTok Ads Account. For example, if your TikTok Ads Account time zone is set as EST, your TikTok Ads data will sync with Databox in EST. 

How often does TikTok Ads data sync?

All TikTok Data Sources will sync every hour with Databox. Learn more here.

How to access pre-built TikTok Ads Templates

  1. Navigate to Databoards > Public Templates
  2. In the Data Source drop-down list, select TikTok Ads
  3. To view a preview of the Template populated with dummy data, click Preview
  4. To pull the Template into your Account and re-populate it with your own TikTok Ads data, click Use Template
  5. Select the appropriate TikTok Ads Data Source from the drop-down list to complete the process. The Databoard will be re-populated with data from the selected TikTok Ads Account and can be found on the  Databoards page

Pro Tip: Once the Databoard is available on the Databoards page, it is completely disconnected from the public Template. Therefore, you can further customize this Databoard to meet your specific needs using the Designer.


Popular TikTok Ads Templates

TikTok Ads Account Overview TikTok Ads Engagement Overview

TikTok Ads Account Overview provides you an overview of important TikTok Ads Account metrics, like total cost, clicks, cost-per-click (CPC), click-through rate (CTR), conversions, conversion rate (CVR), and cost per acquisition (CPA).
TikTok Ads Engagement Overview provides you an overview of engagement metrics, like paid likes, paid followers, paid comments, paid shares, and some campaign-related metrics (such as total cost, frequency, and more). 

How to build a Databoard using TikTok Ads data


Popular TikTok Ads Metrics


TikTok Ads Conversions

TikTok Ads Impressions

TikTok Ads CTR

View a full list of TikTok Ads Metrics available in Databox here.

How to build a Databoard


  1. Navigate to  Databoards > + New Databoard > Start Blank
  2. Click on the Metric Library icon on the lefthand side of the Designer
  3. Select the appropriate TikTok Ads Account from the Data Source drop-down list in the Metric Library
  4. View the list of pre-built TikTok Ads Datablocks in the  Metric Library. Drag and drop your selected Datablock onto your Databoard   
  5. If a pre-built Datablock isn't available for your use case, click on the  Visualization Types icon under the Metric Library icon
  6. View the list of Visualizations available in Databox. Drag and drop your selected Visualization onto your Databoard
  7. Click on the Datablock on the Databoard to open the corresponding Datablock Editor on the righthand side of the Designer
  8. In the Metrics drop-down, click Data Source to select the appropriate Data Source. This will filter out metrics from the specific Data Source.
  9. In the main  Metrics drop-down, select the metric you'd like to display on the Datablock, using the Search bar if needed. This will update the Datablock and it will populate with the corresponding data 
  10. Complete steps 4-9 until your Databoard is complete

How to use the Metric Builder for TikTok Ads

With the Metric Builder for TikTok Ads, you can create Custom TikTok Ads Metrics using a combination of Metrics, Dimensions, and Filters. Some popular use cases for the Metric Builder for TikTok Ads include tracking Campaigns performance data, like Costs, Reach, Conversions, etc.

Learn more about the Metric Builders for TikTok Ads here

Additional Information


    API Limitations

    • Databox can sync data up to 10,000 advertisements per TikTok Ads account. If you have more than 10,000 advertisements in your TikTok Ads account, we recommend using the Metric Builders for TikTok Adsto split data by Dimensions and apply filters in order to include relevant data on your Databoards.
    • You may notice a data discrepancy between Databox and TikTok Ads UI if you are validating TikTok Ads data for "Today". This is due to a potential sync delay of TikTok Ads data in their API. Databox is continuously updating TikTok Ads data as soon as data is available in their API. This may result in a temporary delay in Databox for the "Today" Date Range and Date Ranges that include today's data, such as ''Week to Date,'' ''Month to Date'', etc. 

      This could also affect visualization options for Charts in Databox. For example, if a TikTok Ads Metric is used on a Line or Bar Chart with ''Month To Date'' selected as the Date Range, today's data might be missing or incomplete on the Chart.