Guide: Using Snowflake with Databox


Snowflake connections are available on the Professional and higher plans. Request a trial of Snowflake by following these steps.

How to prepare your Snowflake database

  1. First, we will visit our unique Snowflake URL to log in. Be sure to note the Account name, which is the first part of the URL before "". We'll need this later.
  2. Next, we'll click on the Databases icon and will select Create to create a new database.


3.  We'll name this new database "DATABOX_TEST"


 4. Click Finish to save the new database. This database will now appear in our list, and the current role, SYSADMIN in our case, will be the database owner. 

Roles can be changed in the upper right corner of Snowflake. Learn more about Snowflake security best practices here

5. Next, we'll create a schema for our database. To do this, we'll click on the database name and will select Schemas > Create,

6. We'll name this new schema "TEST_SCHEMA"


7. We'll create a simple table with 3 columns for our example, and will name it "SAMPLE_DATA"

 8. Click on the Table name.


9. Next, we'll click on the  Warehouses icon and will select Create to create a new warehouse


10.We'll name this new warehouse "WAREHOUSE_X_SMALL." We've selected X-Small as the Size, 5 minutes as the Auto Suspend time, and we checked the Auto Resume checkbox. 


11. Click  Finish to save the new warehouse. This warehouse will now appear in our list. 


12. Now it's time to load a sample dataset. We've prepared a CSV file with the following content: 

2017-11-03,John Waters,3849.23

2017-11-10,John Waters,105.27

2017-10-05,Jennifer Tracy,124.02

2017-03-06,Milla Marx,932.99


13. Click Load Table and choose the warehouse we created earlier


14. Click  Next and choose the appropriate CSV file. Click + and define a file format


15.  Select the CSV 


16. Click  Load to load the data in the table


The database is now set up, data is loaded and the warehouse is ready to go. 

 17. Finally, we need to add the Databox IP to the Snowflake Account so queries can be run from Databox. Click the drop-down arrow in the upper right corner of the Account and Switch Role to "ACCOUNTADMIN"

 18. Click on  Account > Policies and select Create to create a new Network Policy


19. Enter "DATABOX" as the Name and Databox's public IP ( in the Allowed IP Addresses field

This new Network Policy will now appear in the main window, and remote access from Databox is set up.

How to connect Snowflake to Databox

Once our Snowflake Account is properly prepared, we'll connect it to Databox.

To connect Snowflake to Databox, go to Data Sources > + New connection. Type Snowflake in the search bar and click on the green Connect button. 

This will open the Activation window, which is where you will be prompted to enter your connection data and authorize the Databox app. 

The account is the first part in the URL, before, so enter just that, without part.

If the default Role will be used, leave the Role field empty. If a specific Role is needed to access your Snowflake data warehouse and/ or your table schema, enter it in the Role field to ensure the connection is set up correctly. 

When connecting a Snowflake database to Databox, the Proxy authentication is being used. Learn more about how Proxy authentication works here. The Authenticator field is not mandatory and can be left empty. 

Click the green Activate button to complete the connection process. If Snowflake was successfully connected, the Activation window will close shortly, and you'll see a Connected notice. 

If you're running into connection issues, test your remote access to Snowflake using their command-line client called SnowSQL. You should also test that you have access to the provided warehouse and database with given user, password and role. Learn more here.

Pro Tip: A connection error can occur if you use some special characters in your Snowflake password. Learn more about these special characters here

How to use the Metric Builder for Snowflake

The Metric Builder for Snowflake allows you to create Custom Metrics using data from your Database to use in Databoards, Alerts, Goals, etc. Learn more about the Metric Builder for Snowflake here

Additional Information

  • Query results are limited to 10,000 rows. If you expect your query to return over 10,000 rows or if you're not sure how many rows will be returned, be sure to LIMIT the query. If you need more than 10,000 rows in order to successfully report on your Snowflake data in Databox, feel free to submit your request on our Roadmap here.
  • The query must contain a column named "Date." If you need to, use AS in your SELECT statement to satisfy this requirement.
  • One column should always contain the Metric Value.
  • "Null" values will not be recognized. Use a COALESCE function when needed. Learn more here.
  • A connection error can occur if you use some special characters in your Snowflake password. We advise you to not use special characters from the list below, as it may cause encoding issues during the connection of the data source. Please check if the following are included in your Snowflake password and replace them with other characters:

    • , ' " / \ !? and spaces"

Pro Tip: As this list of special characters is not final, we suggest first trying to connect with passwords containing only "numbers" and "letters".