Guide: Using Facebook Ads with Databox


How to connect Facebook Ads to Databox


How to connect Facebook Ads to Databox

To connect a Facebook Ads Account in Databox, go to  Data Manager > + New connection. Type Facebook Ads in the search bar and click on the green Connect button. 

This will open the  Activation window, which is where you will be prompted to enter your Facebook Ads login credentials and authorize the Databox app. 

Pro Tip: If you have Facebook Ads passwords saved in your browser, this Account may be automatically selected to connect with Databox. If this is not the Account you want to connect, it is recommended that you complete the connection process in an Incognito

What's the maximum amount of historical data initially available when you use a new Facebook Ads Metric in Databox?

Data is synced for the Metrics that are being used in your Account, so when you first use a new Facebook Ads Metric, the maximum amount of historical data available is 36 months.

Certain Metrics may have more or less historical data available. Learn more here.

For more information about the amount of historical data available for a specific Metric, please contact our Support Team at

Pro Tip:  In order to start syncing data for a Metric, you can add it to your Metrics screen, use it in a Scorecard, set a Goal around it, create an Alert for it, or add it to a Databoard. Learn more here .  

The amount of historical data you're able to access in Databox is dependent on your Databox plan. Learn more here

What time zone is Facebook Ads data synced in?

Facebook Ads data is synced in the time zone set in the Facebook Ads Account. For example, if your Facebook Ads Account time zone is set as EST, your Facebook Ads data will sync with Databox in EST. 

How to access pre-built Facebook Ads Templates

  1. Navigate to the Databoards > Public Templates
  2. In the Data Source drop-down list, select Facebook Ads
  3. To view a preview of the Template populated with dummy data, click Preview
  4. To pull the Template into your Account and re-populate it with your own Facebook Ads data, click Use Template
  5. Select the appropriate Facebook Ads Data Source from the drop-down list to complete the process. The Databoard will be re-populated with data from the selected Facebook Ads Account and can be found on the  Databoards page

Pro Tip: Once the Databoard is available on the Databoards page, it is completely disconnected from the public Template. Therefore, you can further customize this Databoard to meet your specific needs using the Designer.

Popular Facebook Ads Templates

Website Conversions Facebook Ads (Campaign Performance)
Measure lead generation and cost per lead across multiple conversion pixels using this Databoard.
This Facebook Ads Template provides you with helps you gather insights on Click activity, Amount Spent and more for your Facebook Ads Campaigns.

How to build a Databoard using Facebook Ads data


Popular Use Cases

Learn more about popular Facebook Ads use cases here.

Popular Facebook Ads Metrics

Impressions Amount Spent Link CTR

Impressions by Campaign Link Clicks CPC (All)

View a full list of Facebook Ads Metrics available in Databox here.

How to build a Databoard

  1. Navigate to  Databoards > + New Databoard > Start Blank
  2. Click on the  Metric Library icon on the lefthand side of the Designer
  3. Select the appropriate Facebook Ads Account from the Data Source drop-down list in the Metric Library
  4. View the list of pre-built Facebook Ads Datablocks in the Metric Library. Drag and drop your selected Datablock onto your Databoard    
  5.  If a pre-built Datablock isn't available for your use case, click on the  Visualization Types icon under the Metric Library icon
  6. View the list of Visualizations available in Databox. Drag and drop your selected Visualization onto your Databoard
  7. Click on the Datablock on the Databoard to open the corresponding Datablock Settings on the righthand side of the Designer
  8. Select the appropriate Facebook Ads Data Source and Metric in the righthand Datablock Settings. This will update the Datablock and it will populate the Datablock with the corresponding data
  9. Complete steps 4-8 until your Databoard is complete

How to use the Metric Builder for Facebook Ads

With the Metric Builder for Facebook Ads, you can create Custom Facebook Ads Metrics using a combination of Metrics, Dimensions, and Filters. Some popular use cases for the Metric Builder for Facebook Ads include creating Campaign- and Ad-specific Metrics and reports to track your Facebook Ads data. 

Learn more about the Metric Builder for Facebook Ads here

Additional Information


Metric Considerations

  • Due to technical limitations, the Date Range ''All Time'' will return a maximum 36 months of historical data.
  • Due to API limitations, it is not possible to access the data for ‘Results’ in Facebook Ads. To display the relevant data, you can customize the Columns in Facebook Ads and add the relevant Metrics such as “On-Facebook leads” etc. to the Columns Selected. 
    Learn more on popular use cases to track results in Facebook Ads here
    • Once the data is available in its own column, you can use the Metric Builder to pull the data in. The data will be available under the Metric 'Actions' or 'Unique Actions' in Metric Builder. Learn more about the Metric Builder for Facebook Ads (Ads Reporting) here.
    • Learn more on popular use cases to track results in Facebook Ads here.
  • If you still use the iOS 14 SDK to track events, you may have seen fewer results. Specifically, this means that they will not see e.g. Gender data because Apple’s terms of use don’t allow it. 

Granularity Restrictions

  • Due to API limitations, hourly granularity is not supported. This may affect visualization options for Charts in Databox.

    For example, if a Facebook Ads Metric is used on a Line or Bar Chart with ''Yesterday'' Date Range selected, hourly data won't be displayed on the Chart.
    However, the big number above the Chart will accurately reflect the Metric value for the selected Date Range.

    Learn more about Granularity here