Guide: Using Constant Contact with Databox (Custom API Integration)


Constant Contact Integration Details



Constant Contact is an email marketing tool that lets you create email marketing templates, automate and manage campaigns, build contact lists, and nurture customer relationships.

The Constant Contact integration is designed for more tech-savvy users, as it syncs data through a Custom API integration. In order to create Constant Contact metrics in Databox, you’ll need to use the Metric Builder. Learn more about the basics of Metric Builder for Custom API Integrations here.

Custom API Integrations are available on Professional and higher plans. Request a trial of Metric Builder by following these steps

If you'd like us to help you get set up with Constant Contact in Databox, please fill out this request form or book a call with one of our product experts: 

- Free Databox users (or potential users) book a call here

- Paying Databox customers book a call here

Integration basics
Integration status Beta
Type of Account access needed Not specified
Authorization type OAuth2
Available endpoints Available endpoints differ based on the privileges the user is granted, learn more here.
Available requests Depends on privileges granted to the user, learn more here.
Needed permissions (scopes)
  • offline_access
  • account_read 
  • campaign_data 
  • contact_data


Allowed API versions All currently active API versions.
Example: You can use a v1 of an API or v4, as long as they are both still supported. Deprecated APIs normally stop returning data.
Timezone Users timezone
Dynamic date range support No
Pagination support Yes
Type of Pagination supported Next type
Rate Limits Yes
Official documentation


Follow the status of the API on the official changelog 

How to connect Constant Contact to Databox


How to connect Constant Contact to Databox

To connect a Constant Contact Account in Databox, go to  Data Manager > + New connection. Type Constant Contact in the search bar and click on the Connect button. Next, click the green Connect now button.

This will open the Authorization window, where you will be prompted to enter your Constant Contact login credentials and authorize the Databox app.

What's the maximum amount of historical data initially available when you use a new Constant Contact Data Source Metric in Databox?

The amount of historical data available in Databox is dependent on the custom metric setup, API limitations, pagination limitations, and the user’s Databox plan:
  • Custom Metric Setup: When a user creates a metric using an endpoint that supports date time parameters in the API request, those date time parameters determine the amount of historical data that will be pulled for the given metric. You can learn more about the date time parameters here.
  •  API Limitations: APIs may have limits set by the system itself on the amount of historical data that is stored/ can be accessed.
  • Pagination Limitations: The pagination limit is set to 100 pages, which means that pagination will stop when the 100th page is reached. In cases where the metric is using pagination, of course, the interplay of date time parameters and pagination can have an impact on how much of the historical data the user can pull for a given metric. Learn more here.
  • Databox Plan: The amount of historical data you're able to access in Databox is dependent on your Databox plan. Learn more here.

Pro Tip: In order to start syncing data for a Metric, you can add it to your Metrics screen, use it in a Scorecard, set a Goal around it, create an Alert for it, or add it to a Databoard. Learn more here.  

What time zone does Constant Contact data sync in? 

Constant Contact's data is synced in the time zone set in the Constant Contact Account For example, if the Constant Contact Account time zone is set as EST, the Constant Contact data will sync with Databox in EST. Changing the timezone of either of the two after connecting can lead to data discrepancies.

What type of pagination is supported by Constant Contact Integration

Some Constant Contact endpoints return responses that are able to be paginated. Those endpoints return a next link, which we then use to make a request for the next page of data.

Learn more about pagination here.

How to use and create Constant Contact Metrics


How to access pre-built Constant Contact Metrics

  1. Navigate to Metrics > Metric Library.
  2. In the  Browse by Data Source section, click the Data Source dropdown and search for Constant Contact. This will filter out pre-built Constant Contact Metrics.

How to create custom Constant Contact Metrics

Let’s walk through how to create a Custom Metric for Constant Contact.

In order to prepare API requests, you should reference API-specific documentation that can be found in the Databox app through the API Docs link in the top right of the Prepare API Request page. Or, use this direct link.

  1. Navigate to Metrics > Custom Metrics to access the Metric Builder for Constant Contact
  2. Click the green + New Custom Metric button and select your connected Constant Contact Account from the Data Source drop-down list.
  3. Open the API documentation for Constant Contact to find the endpoint that will return the data needed for the given custom metric you wish to create.  
  4. Click the drop-down to select GET or POST as the HTTP Method. This is dependent on the information you found in the API documentation.
  5. The Base URL is already predefined, you will need to copy the missing part of your chosen endpoint to sync the appropriate data.
  6. Add Parameters based on your HTTP Method. Parameters limit the records returned for the API request.
    1. If you’re creating a GET request, define the Key and Value pair(s). The API documentation provides information on endpoints for a field/ argument, which will be the Key. The condition (i.e., an ID, true/ false, etc.) will be the Value. 

      If the API documentation for Constant Contact states that the Integration supports dynamic date ranges, you will be able to click the calendar icon to add datetime parameters. 

    2. If you’re creating a POST request, define the relevant JSON body.

      Click on the Calendar icon to add datetime parameters.

    3. Pro Tip: You can choose multiple Keys and Values for one Custom Metric. You can add an additional Key and Value by clicking on “+”.
  7. You can add Headers that include Key and Value pairs if the API needs this to successfully return data.
  8. If the endpoint supports pagination, we recommend you select the appropriate method using the Pagination Method dropdown.
  9. Once you have the basic setup, click on the green Continue button. You will be directed to the Select value step.
  10. In the Select value step, select a property that includes the metric value you'd like to track in your Custom Metric. A metric value must be purely numeric.
  11. Once you have selected the value, click on the green Continue button.
  12. The Segment by dimension step is optional. This step will be taken into account only when you are trying to create a dimensional metric. If you'd like to segment your metric by multiple dimensions, choose one to complete during this set up, then begin again and select a different dimension until each desired metric is created.
    1. To skip this step, select None
  13. The Select date step is optional as well. 
    1. Use current time of storing data (Dynamic): Select this option if you don’t want to select a date field
    2. Use a field from response (optional): Select this if you want to select a date in order to see your data in predefined intervals. 
    3. You can customize the JSONata expression (optional) in the right editor panel.
  14. In the Preview & Customize step, you can see the JSONata expression that has been created based on your selection of properties.
  15. To continue, click on the Preview data button to validate the expression and returned data.
  16. Once you have previewed your data, click on the green Continue button to proceed to the last step of setting up your Custom Metric.
  17. In the Describe metric step, you can set up the following:
    1. Name your metric: Enter a name for your custom metric.
    2. Data Aggregation: These selections determine how your data is handled. This especially impacts the way data is grouped and displayed for longer Date Ranges. Learn more here.
    3. Favourable trend: You can select when "Trending UP is positive" or "Trending DOWN is positive," since some metrics are better (positive) when the value is lower (like Bounce rate, Churn rate, etc.). This will affect how comparison values and goal comparisons are calculated and calculated.
  18. Once you completed the Describe metric step, click the green Continue button to finish the Custom metric setup.

Additional Information


Integration Limitations

  • Databox limits the use of its integrations to GET requests. This is because our integration only reads your data.
  • Scopes: We use the following scopes: offline_access account_read campaign_data
      • These scopes give access to your Constant Contact data. However, limiting the types of requests that can be made, as well as the data that can be accessed, is done through user privileges found here.
  • Rate limits: You can use your API key to send up to 10,000 requests per day and 4 requests per second. Learn more about Constant Contact Rate limits here.

WARNING: If specific scopes of an integration allow you to create, change, delete or manipulate data in any other way, using such API calls can result in unexpected behavior. Databox is in no way liable for such API calls.