Guide: Using Adobe Analytics with Databox

Explore how to connect and visualize your Adobe Analytics data in Databox.


How to connect Adobe Analytics to Databox


How to connect Adobe Analytics to Databox


In order to access your Client ID and Client Secret, you must first create an Adobe Analytics OAuth Client and generate a Client ID and Client Secret. 

To create an Adobe Analytics OAuth Client, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your Adobe Developer Console.
  2. Navigate to the following URL:
  3. Click Create new project.
  4. Select Add API.
  5. Under the Experience Cloud section, select Adobe Analytics
  6. Select OAuth and click Next.
  7. On the page for OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization, select Web and insert the following Default redirect URI and Redirect URI pattern:
    1. Default redirect URI:
    2. Redirect URI pattern: https://connect\\.databox\\.com/callback
  8. Click Save configured API button. Your client is now created.
    1. Pro Tip: Your client has a  Client ID (API Key) and a  Client Secret. These will be needed to get your authentification code and generate access tokens.
  9. To access your Client ID and Client Secret, navigate to the following URL: and open  Project
  10. Click on Adobe Analytics under Products & Services
  11. Copy the  Client ID 
  12. Click on Retrieve client secret button to copy the Client Secret
    Now you're ready to finish the connection process in Databox.   
  13. Navigate to Data Manager > + New connection
  14. Type  Adobe Analytics in the search bar and click on the green  Connect button. This will open the Activation window, which is where you will be prompted to enter your Adobe Analytics Client ID and Client Secret.
  15. Once you've entered your Client ID and Client Secret, click  Activat
  16. Next, you will be prompted to log in into your Adobe accoun
  17. Select the Report suite for metrics and click  Activate 

    At this point, the connection process is complete and Databox has been connected to Adobe Analytics.

What Adobe Analytics permissions do you need to create an Adobe Analytics OAuth client?

To connect Adobe Analytics to Databox, the user has to have System Admin or Developers permissions for their organization. 

Learn more about how to manage user permissions in Adobe Analytics account here.

How much historical data is synced when you first connect Adobe Analytics to Databox?

When you connect a new Adobe Analytics Data Source in Databox, 3 months worth of historical data is initially synced. 

Certain Metrics may have more or less historical data available. For more information about the amount of historical data available for a specific Metric, please contact our Support Team at

Pro Tip: Once your Adobe Analytics Data Source is connected and actively syncing data, we store the data that's collected in our own database. This allows us to accumulate more data over time as more data syncs are made so that you can report on more historical Adobe Analytics data in your Databox reports. Learn more here

What time zone does Adobe Analytics data sync in? 

Adobe Analytics data is synced in the time zone set in the Adobe Analytics Account. For example, if your Adobe Analytics Account time zone is set as EST, your Adobe Analytics data will sync with Databox in EST. 

How to access pre-built Adobe Analytics Templates

  1. Navigate to the Databoards > Public Templates
  2. In the Data Source drop-down list, select Adobe Analytics
  3. To view a preview of the Template populated with dummy data, click Preview
  4. To pull the Template into your Account and re-populate it with your own Adobe Analytics data, click Use Template
  5. Select the appropriate Adobe Analytics Data Source from the drop-down list to complete the process. The Databoard will be re-populated with data from the selected Adobe Analytics Account and can be found on the  Databoards page

Pro Tip: Once the Databoard is available on the Databoards page, it is completely disconnected from the public Template. Therefore, you can further customize this Databoard to meet your specific needs using the Designer.

Popular Adobe Analytics Templates

Adobe Analytics

This Adobe Analytics dashboard uses visits, conversion rates and customer loyalty to help you understand your customers as people — what they want, need, and believe.

How to build a Databoard using Adobe Analytics data

  1. Navigate to  Databoards > + New Databoard > Start Blank
  2. Click on the Metric Library icon on the left-hand side of the Designer.
  3. Select the appropriate Adobe Analytics Account from the Data Source drop-down list in the Metric Library.
  4. View the list of pre-built Adobe Analytics Datablocks in the  Metric Library. Drag and drop your selected Datablock onto your Databoard.
  5. If a pre-built Datablock isn't available for your use case, click on the  Visualization Types icon under the Metric Library icon.
  6. View the list of Visualizations available in Databox. Drag and drop your selected Visualization onto your Databoard.
  7. Click on the Datablock on the Databoard to open the corresponding Datablock Editor on the right-hand side of the Designer.
  8. Select the appropriate Adobe Analytics Data Source and Metric in the right-hand Datablock Editor. This will update the Datablock, and it will populate the Datablock with the corresponding data
  9. Complete steps 4-8 until your Databoard is complete

Popular Adobe Analytics Metrics

eCommerce Overview Cart Funnel Revenue

Ecommerce overview

Cart Funnel

Revenue Chart

Site Overview Customer Loyalty Top 10 Pages Viewed

Site overview

Customer Loyality

Top 10 pages viewed

View a full list of Adobe Analytics Metrics available in Databox here.

How to use the Metric Builder for Adobe Analytics

Learn more about the Metric Builder for Adobe Analytics here.