Guide: Sending Databox data to Slack

Find out how to automate the delivery of Databox data to Slack for real-time performance Alerts and Scorecards.


For an overview of using Databox with Slack and a look at certain features, check the following videos.

Automate delivery of Alerts and Scorecards in Slack:

Automate Snapshots of your Databoards in Slack:

How to connect Databox to Slack

  1. To connect a Databox Account to Slack, navigate to the Notifications > Slack. Click +  Turn on Slack notifications.
  2. In the Authorization window, select the Slack Workspace that you want to connect with your Databox account.
  3. Click Allow to grant permissions and complete the connection process.
  4. You'll receive a welcome message from the Databox bot in the connected Slack Workspace.

How to send Databoards, Reports, and Notifications to Slack

Stay up-to-date on your performance data by sending Databoards, Databoard Loops, Reports, or Notifications (including Scheduled Snapshots, Scorecards, and Alerts) directly to Slack. 


How to send Databoards and Reports directly to Slack

Databoards and Reports can be sent directly to Slack in order to easily your performance data in front of the right people.

Send Databoards to Slack

 1. Navigate to the  Databoards page.  
2. Hover over the Databoard that you want to send to Slack and click on the  Share icon. 

Pro Tip: If you want to send a Databoard Loop via Slack, navigate to  Databoards >  Looped Databoards and find the loop that you want to send via Slack, using the Search bar if needed. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the  View button and select the  Share option.

3. Navigate to the  Send to Slack tab in the Share window and fill out the necessary fields: 
  • A) Send to channels: Enter the channel(s) where you would like Databoard delivered.
    • Pro Tip: If you want to send a Databoard to private channel, navigate to Slack, and send  /invite @databox in the selected private channel(s). This will make the channel visible in the Databox Share window. 
  • B) File Format: Select the format that you want to receive your Databoard in to Slack. You can choose between JPG or PDF file formats.
  • C) Date Range: Select the Date Range that you'd like visible on the Databoard that is delivered to Slack.
  • D) Add a custom subject (optional): Customize the subject line for the delivered Databoard. 
  • E) Add a personal note (optional): Enter a custom message for your delivered Databoard. 
  • F) Shareable Link: If you'd like to include a Shareable Link with the Databoard, leave the  Include Shareable Link checkbox selected.
  • G) Schedule Snapshot: If you'd like your Databoard(s) delivered to Slack regularly, click  Create a Scheduled Snapshot. Learn more about Scheduled Snapshots here.

4. Click Send now

Send Reports to Slack     

  1. Navigate to the  Reports page.
  2. Hover over the Report that you want to send to Slack and click on the Share icon.
  3. Navigate to the Send to Slack tab in the Share window and fill out the necessary fields.


  • A) Send to channels: Enter the channel(s) where you would like Report delivered, and/or select DM to send it as a direct message to yourself.
    • Pro Tip: If you want to send a Report to a private channel, navigate to Slack, and send  /invite @databox in the selected private channel(s). This will make the channel visible in the Databox Share window. 
  • B) Add a custom subject (optional): Customize the Subject line for the delivered Report. 
  • C) Add a personal note (optional): Enter a custom Message for your delivered Report.
  • D) Schedule Report: If you'd like your Report delivered to Slack regularly, click Create a Scheduled Report. Learn more about Scheduled Reports here.

4. Click Send now if you want to send the Report immediately. If you want the Report to be delivered at scheduled time, click  Send later... and select date and time when the Report should be sent to Slack.

How to schedule Slack notifications

How to automatically send Alerts, Scorecards and Scheduled Snapshots to a public channel

Alerts, Scorecards, and Scheduled Snapshots will be visible to all users in the selected Slack channel. Databox's name will appear as the sender of the Notification.

  1. Set up your Alert, Scorecard, or Scheduled Snapshot as you'd like. 
  2. In the  Delivery Options section, select  Slack.
  3. Click Set channels and choose one or more channels where you would like the Alert, Scorecard, or Scheduled Snapshot delivered.
  4. Click Save.
  5. How to automatically send Alerts, Scorecards and Scheduled Snapshots to a private channel

How to automatically send Alerts, Scorecards and Scheduled Snapshots to a private channel

Alerts, Scorecards, and Scheduled Snapshots will be visible to all users in the selected Slack channel. If Databox has not been invited to the channel (by sending ''/invite @databox''), the user's name that has set up the notification will appear as the sender of the Notification.

  1. Set up your Alert, Scorecard, or Scheduled Snapshot as you'd like. 
  2. Navigate to Slack, and send  /invite @databox in the private channel(s) you'd like to see in Databox.
  3. Next, navigate back to Databox account and select  Slack In the  Delivery Options section.
  4. Click Set channels and choose one or more channels where you would like the Alert, Scorecard, or Scheduled Snapshot delivered.
  5. Click  Save.

How to automatically send Alerts, Scorecards and Scheduled Snapshots as a direct message

You can set Alerts, Scorecards, and Scheduled Snapshots to be sent to yourself as a direct message.

  1. Set up your Alert, Scorecard, or Scheduled Snapshot as you'd like. 
  2. In the  Delivery Options section, select  Slack.
  3. Click  Save.

Additional Information on sending Databoards, Scorecards, and Alerts to Slack

  • If you don't select a Slack channel, the Alert, Scorecard or Scheduled Snapshot will be delivered as a direct message to you.
  • Slack channels that do not have any members added or have been archived will not be listed as options in Databox.

View and edit Slack notifications

You can review the list of all Alerts, Scorecards, and Scheduled Snapshots that have been scheduled to be sent to Slack or set up new notifications on the Slack Landing Page in Databox.

Navigate to the Notifications icon > Slack Landing Page.

How to update the Slack Workspace connected to Databox

  1. Login to your Databox account.
  2. Navigate to the following link:
  3. In the  Authorization window, select Slack  Workspace that you want to connect with your Databox account
  4. Click  Allow to grant permissions and complete the connection process
  5. You'll receive a welcome message from the Databox bot in the connected Slack Workspace

Pro Tip: If you updated Slack Workspace you'll need to update Slack channels notifications (Alerts, Scorecrads, Scheduled Snapshots) delivery. To do this, n avigate to the Notifications icon > Slack Landing Page and update Slack channels for the corresponding notifications. 
If you don't update Slack channel(s) the  notification(s) will be deilvered as direct message(s) to you.

How to disconnect Databox from Slack

  1. To disconnect a Databox Account from a Slack Workspace, navigate to
    1. Pro Tip: From within Slack, you can get here by clicking on the gear icon and navigating to Add An App > View App Directory. 
  2. Click  Manage.
  3. This will bring you to the Apps page. Type Databox in the Search bar to find the Databox connection.
  4. Click on the Databox connection to open the Authentication page.
  5. Navigate to the Configuration tab.
  6. At the bottom of the page, in the Remove App section, click Remove App.
  7. Click Remove App button in the pop-up window to confirm your decision.

How to use Slack for Client Accounts

Only Agency Accounts have access to Client Accounts. Learn more about how to become a Databox Agency Partner here.

    In Slack, you can monitor data for different Clients. Scheduled Snapshots, Scorecards, and Alerts can be automatically sent to the corresponding Slack channels. Learn more about this here.

    In order for this to work, a Slack user that is also added as a user in the respective Databox Account can connect the Databox account with the agency Slack workspace. One Slack user can establish only 1 connection between the Databox account and Slack workspace. 

    It is on our roadmap to improve this functionality by enabling 1 user to connect multiple Databox (Client) accounts with different Slack workspaces. You can upvote this improvement on our Roadmap here.

    How to join the Databox Partner Slack workspace

    Agency Partners are invited to join our Databox Partner Slack workspace. Learn how to join here.