How to use Favorites


How to Favorite Metrics

Learn how to Favorite Metrics here

How to Favorite Goals

Favorites are user-specific, so each user has the ability to select their own Favorite Goals.

  1. Navigate to the Goals page.
  2. Find the Goal that you want to favorite, using the  Search bar if necessary.
  3. In the top right, click on the star icon to Favorite the Goal. 

How to Favorite Databoards

Favorites are user-specific, so each user in the ability to select their own Favorite Databoards.

  1. Navigate to the Databoards page.
  2. Find the Databoard that you want to favorite, using the  Search bar if necessary.
  3. In the top right, click on the star icon to Favorite the Databoard.
Pro Tip: You can see your favorite Looped Databoards by filtering them on the Looped Databoards page. To filter your Favorite Databoards navigate to the  Show filter  > Favorites.

How to Favorite Looped Databoards

Favorites are user-specific, so each user in the ability to select their own Favorite Looped Databoards.

  1. Navigate to the Databoards > Looped Databoards page.
  2. Find Looped Databoard that you want to favorite, using the  Search bar if necessary.
  3. Click on the arrow next to the View button to open the drop-down list. Select Favorite to favorite the Looped Databoard. 

Pro Tip: You can see your favorite Looped Databoards by filtering them on the Looped Databoards page. To filter your Favorite  Looped Databoards navigate to the  Show filter  > Favorites.