How to set different Aggregations for SQL, Google Sheets, Excel and Rest API Custom Metrics

Each SQL, Google Sheets, Excel, and Rest API Custom Metric supports only one data Aggregation function. To view the same SQL, Google Sheets, Excel, or Rest API Custom Metric with different Aggregation functions selected (i.e., "SUM" on one vs. "AVG" on another), follow the steps in this document to duplicate Custom Metrics and create the views you desire. 

Pro Tip: Custom Metrics built using native integrations and Metric Builders support multiple aggregations by default.   


How to Set different data Aggregations for SQL Custom Metrics

Navigate to  Metrics >  Custom Metrics
2  Find the Metric you'd like to set another Aggregation for, using the  Search bar if necessary
3 Click on the arrow next to the  Edit button to open the drop-down list. Select  Duplicate.
4 In the  Data Aggregation Settings section, select the  Aggregation Function for the Custom Metric.  You can choose between Latest, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, and Count.

5. Next, select the  Data Type You can choose between All Values and Period values. Learn more about Data Types here.

6. To accurately explain what this Custom Metric is reporting on, set a name for your Custom Metric
7. Click  Preview data to generate a Data Preview of the Custom Metric
8. Once you confirm that these are the results you're looking for, click  Save to save the Custom Metric.

Pro Tip: If you need our assistance setting up SQL Custom Metrics, please contact our Support Team via in-app chat or email us at

How to set different data Aggregations for Google Sheets and Excel Custom Metrics

 1. Navigate to  Metrics > Custom Metrics

2.  Find the Metric you'd like to set another Aggregation for, using the  Search bar if necessary
3. Click on the arrow next to the  Edit button to open the drop-down list. Select  Duplicate.
4. In the  Data Aggregation Settings section, select the  Aggregation Function for the Custom Metric.  You can choose between Latest, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, and Count.

5. Next, select the  Data Type You can choose between All Values and Period values. Learn more about Data Types here.

Pro Tip: If you want to store all values to Databox that were added in your Google Sheets/ Excel for the  exact same Date/Timestamp, navigate to the Advanced metric definition > Data Aggregations tab and select Store all values, even if Date/Time is an exact match to another entry checkbox. This will store new values instead of updating existing ones data for the exact same Date/Timestamp.

6. To accurately explain what this Custom Metric is reporting on, set a name for your Custom Metric

7. Click  Preview data to generate a Data Preview of the Custom Metric

8. Once you confirm that these are the results you're looking for, click  Save to save the Custom Metric.

Pro Tip: If you need our assistance setting up Google Sheets or Excel Custom Metrics, please contact our Support Team via in-app chat or email us at

How to set different data Aggregations for REST API Custom Metrics

1. Navigate to  Metrics > Metric Library
2. Find the Metric you'd like to set another Aggregation for, using the  Search bar if necessary
3. Click on the  ... hyperlink at the bottom of the Metric block
4. Select Duplicate Metric . This will open the  Metric definition window.  
5. In order to accurately explain what this Custom Metric is reporting on, set a name for your Custom Metric in the  Display Name field
6. Navigate to the  Data Aggregation tab. In the Data Type section, select the  Aggregation function. You can choose between Latest, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, and Count.

7. Next, select the  Data Type. You can choose between All Values and Period values. Learn more about Data Types here.

8. Click Save to save the Custom Metric

Pro Tip: If you need our assistance setting up your REST API Custom Metrics, please contact our Support Team via in-app chat or email us at