- Dimensions can be excluded or renamed using Metric Builder. Metric Builder is available on the Professional and higher plans. Request a trial of Metric Builder by following
How to exclude a Dimension
If you choose to skip a Dimension, it will no longer show up as a Dimension for the Custom Metric on a Databoard.

- Navigate to Metrics > Custom Metrics
- Find the Custom Metric you're interested in excluding Dimensions from and click Edit
- Click Data Preview to generate a Data Preview of the Custom Metric
- At the top of the Dimension column in the Data Preview, click the ... icon
- Select Exclude Dimension
- Click on the Skip Item drop-down list to view all Dimensions returned from the Custom Metric. Select the Dimension you want to exclude
- To exclude another Dimension, click the green + sign
- Repeat steps 6-7 until you have excluded all necessary Dimensions
- Click the green Save button
How to rename a Dimension
If you choose to rename a Dimension, the Dimension name will be updated for any instances where the Dimension is returned.

- Navigate to Metrics > Custom Metrics
- Find the Custom Metric you're interested in renaming Dimensions for and click Edit
- Click Data Preview to generate a Data Preview of the Custom Metric
- At the top of the Dimension column in the Data Preview, click the ... icon
- Select Rename Dimension
- Click on the Select item drop-down list to view all Dimensions returned from the Custom Metric. Select the Dimension you want to rename
- In the Value textbox, enter the new name for the Dimension
- To rename another Dimension, click the green + sign
- Repeat steps 6-8 until you have renamed all necessary Dimensions
- Click the green Save button
Additional Information
- If a Dimension is renamed to a Dimension name that already exists, the Dimension will not be recognized by Databox. To aggregate multiple Dimension values, it is recommended that you use Data Calculations to add together the unique Dimensions and produce a new Calculated Metric.
- For Agencies: Excluded and renamed Dimensions will be retained when Custom Metric is used on a Databoard and copied to a Client Account.