Guide: Using Instagram Business with Databox


How to connect Instagram Business to Databox


How to connect Instagram Business to Databox

To connect an Instagram Business Account in Databox, go to   Data Manager > + New connection. Type Instagram Business in the search bar and click on the green Connect button. 

This will open the Authorization window, which is where you will be prompted to enter your Facebook Pages login credentials and authorize the Databox app. Your Instagram Business Account must be linked to a Facebook Page in order to connect to Databox.

Pro Tip: If you have access to multiple Facebook Accounts, it's recommended that you log out of your Facebook Account before connecting Instagram Business in Databox. This will ensure the Facebook Account you're automatically logged into does not override the connection process. 

How to switch from an Instagram Personal Account to an Instagram Business Account

By default, all Instagram Accounts are Personal Accounts. Instagram Personal Accounts can not be connected directly to Databox.

All Instagram Personal Accounts can be switched to Business Accounts, and vice versa. Learn how to switch to an Instagram Business Account here

How to link an Instagram Business Account to a Facebook Page

Learn how to link an Instagram Business Account to a Facebook Page here

How to troubleshoot viewing all Facebook Pages when connecting Instagram Business to Databox

Learn how to troubleshoot viewing all Facebook Pages when connecting Instagram Business to Databox here

What's the maximum amount of historical data initially available when you use a new Instagram Business Metric in Databox?

Data is synced for the Metrics that are being used in your Account, so when you first use a new Instagram Business Metric, the maximum amount of historical data available is 24 months. 

Certain Metrics may have more or less historical data available. For example, metrics that represent the total metric value (i.e. ''Followers'', ''Posts'', etc.) do not have historical data available when first used. We only pull in the total current value, but we will accumulate historical data for these Metrics in Databox over time and the metric value will be shown cumulatively. 

For more information about the amount of historical data available for a specific Metric learn more here or contact our Support Team at

Pro Tip:  In order to start syncing data for a Metric, you can add it to your Metrics screen, use it in a Scorecard, set a Goal around it, create an Alert for it, or add it to a Databoard. Learn more here.  

The amount of historical data you're able to sync in Databox is dependent on your Databox plan. Learn more here.

What time zone does Instagram Business data sync in?

Instagram Business data is synced in UTC.

How to access pre-built Instagram Business Templates

  1.  Navigate to Databoards > Public Templates.
  2. In the Data Source drop-down list, select Instagram Business.
  3. To view a preview of the Template populated with dummy data, click Preview.
  4. To pull the Template into your Account and re-populate it with your own Instagram Business data, click Use Template
  5. Select the appropriate Instagram Business Data Source from the drop-down list to complete the process. The Databoard will be re-populated with data from the selected Instagram Business Account and can be found on the  Databoards page.

Pro Tip: Once the Databoard is available on the Databoards page, it is completely disconnected from the public Template. Therefore, you can further customize this Databoard to meet your specific needs using the Designer.

Popular Instagram Business Templates

Instagram Business (Audience Overview) Instagram Business (Account Overview)
This Template will help you gather insights on your Followers, including location and age range.
This Template goes deeper into your Account performance and highlights key Metrics like Reach, Impressions and Posts.

How to build a Databoard using Instagram Business data


Popular Instagram Business Metrics

Reach Impressions Profile Visits

Total number of unique Users that saw your post or story.  Total number of times your Instagram Account's media objects (i.e. Posts) have been viewed. Total number of unique Users who visited your Instagram Account.
Website Clicks Total Followers Total Followers by Country

Total number of Clicks on website links in the Instagram Account. The total number of acquired Followers. The countries the Instagram Account's Followers come from.

You can view a full list of all Instagram Business Metrics available in Databox here

How to build a Databoard

  1. Navigate to  Databoards > + New Databoard > Start Blank
  2. Click on the  Metric Library icon on the lefthand side of the Designer
  3. Select the appropriate Instagram Business Account from the  Data Source drop-down list in the  Metric Library
  4. View the list of pre-built Instagram Business Datablocks in the  Metric Library. Drag and drop your selected Datablock onto your Databoard    
  5. If a pre-built Datablock isn't available for your use case, click on the   Visualization Types icon under the Metric Library icon
  6. View the list of Visualizations available in Databox. Drag and drop your selected Visualization onto your Databoard
  7. Click on the Datablock on the Databoard to open the corresponding  Datablock Settings on the righthand side of the Designer
  8. Select the appropriate Instagram Data Source and Metric in the righthand Datablock Settings. This will update the Datablock and it will populate the Datablock with the corresponding data
  9. Complete steps 4-8 until your Databoard is complete

Additional Information


Metric Considerations

  • Due to technical limitations, the Date Range ''All Time'' will return a maximum 24 months of historical data.
    • However, Metrics that represents total values (i.e., ''Followers'', ''Posts'', etc.) will always show current total value when ''All Time'' Date Range is selected.
  • A maximum of 24 months of historical data is available in Databox for the following metrics: 
    • Reach
    • Impressions
    • Profile Visits
    • Email Clicks
    • Website Clicks
    • Phone Call Clicks
    • Text Message Clicks
    • Get Directions Clicks
  • Since Instagram Business data is synced via Facebook Pages, similar considerations are in place for Instagram Business's "Reach" Metric. Learn more here
  • Data for the following metrics is not available on Instagram Business Accounts that have less than 100 followers:
    • Followers by City
    • Followers by Country
    • Followers by Gender
    • Followers by Age Group
    • New Followers  
    • Reach  
    • Impressions
    • Profile Visits
    • Email Clicks
    • Website Clicks
    • Phone Call Clicks
    • Text Message Clicks
    • Get Directions Clicks
  • If you have hidden "Like Counts" in your Instagram Business Account, the Metrics "Top Posts by Like Count" and "New Posts by Likes Count" will not display any data. Learn more about Instagram Business Like Counts here.
    • If "Like Counts" are available in your Instagram Business Account, the Metrics “New Posts by Likes Count” and "Top Posts by Like Count" will represent the count of the likes on each post. However, due to API limitations, only organic likes will be counted (likes received without the use of paid promotions). Boosted and paid likes are not included.
  • The Metric “Total Followers” provides values reflecting the overall Instagram following. The values for Dimensional Metrics like "Followers by Age/Country/Gender" may not be an exact match to the “Total Followers” count, as Instagram allows its users to hide their personal data. The metric values for the Dimensional Metrics would therefore only show the followers whose personal data is accessible.

Granularity Restrictions

  • Due to API limitations, hourly granularity is not supported. This may affect visualization options for Charts in Databox.

    For example, if an Instagram Business Metric is used on a Line or Bar Chart with ''Yesterday'' Date Range selected, hourly data won't be displayed on the Chart.
    However, the big number above the Chart will accurately reflect the Metric value for the selected Date Range.

    Learn more about Granularity here

API Limitations

  • Data for Instagram Insights is returned in the time zone where the majority of your Followers are from.