How to refresh data if it stops syncing due to inactivity or an expired Databox subscription

Data in your Databox Account may stop syncing due to inactivity or if your Databox subscription expires. 


How to refresh data if it stops syncing due to inactivity 

Data syncing is put on hold due to inactivity if no User in the Account logs in for 30 days or more. At this time, Databox will stop delivering all Notifications via Email or Slack etc. (This includes Reports, Scorecards, Snapshots, Alerts, etc.)

To restart data syncing and notifications, you must log in to the Databox Account. This will refresh the Account, data will begin syncing again and resume all notifications. A notification will be sent to the Account Owner to confirm this active status.

How to refresh data if it stops syncing after your Databox subscription expires

Your Databox subscription can expire if payment has failed 3x or if your subscription is canceled without downgrading to a Free plan. When this happens, data will stop syncing. 

  • To restart data syncing on a Free plan, the Account Owner must navigate to Account > Plans & Billing > Change Plan and select the Free plan. 
  • To restart data syncing on a paid plan, the Account owner must navigate to Account > Plans & Billing > Change Card and update your credit card information.