How to connect a Data Source you don't have direct access to

If you don't have the correct user permissions for a Data Source, you can request credentials from a team member or Client by following the steps outlined below. 

This will not give the other person access to the Databox account, nor does it give you access to the Data Source directly. It simply connects the two systems from the backend, so you can report on data from that particular Data Source.

  1.  Navigate to  Data Manager
  2. Click the green +New Connection button
  3. Find the Data Source you want to connect, using the Search bar if necessary. Click on the Connect button. This will open the Data Access window. Click the Ask teammate to connect button.
  4. Enter the email address of the person who you want to connect the Data Source
  5. Customize the message of the email you want sent to the recipient
  6. Click the green Request access button. This will send a message to the specified recipient prompting them to connect the Data Source