With Scheduled Snapshots, you can export PDFs or JPGs of your Databox dashboards at regular times. Scheduling Snapshots is a great way to make the data a more regular part of your teams routine.
- Use Scheduled Snapshots
- Create a Scheduled Snapshot [Example]
- View all Scheduled Snapshots
- Edit a Scheduled Snapshot
How to use Scheduled Snapshots
Popular Use Cases
Learn more about popular use cases for Scheduled Snapshots here.
How to set a Scheduled Snapshot
- Navigate to the Databoards page
Hover over the Databoard you want to set a Scheduled Snapshot for and click the ... More icon.
- Pro Tip: To Schedule Snapshots for Looped Databoards, navigate to Notifications page > Scheduled Snapshots landing page > click + Schedule new button and in the Select Databoard field scroll down to the Databoard Loops list.
- Navigate to the Schedule Snapshot from the drop-down menu, and fill the fields in the Schedule a snapshot window
- Pro Tip: Admins can Schedule Snapshots of all Databoards. Editors can Schedule Snapshots of Databoards they have access to. Users can edit and share Databoards that they created.
You can also set a Scheduled Snapshot for a Databoard in the Designer.
- Click on the ... More icon in the top right
- Navigate to the Schedule Snapshot from the drop-down menu, and fill the fields in the Schedule a snapshot window
- A) Select Databoard: Select the Databoard or a Databoard Loop you want to Schedule Snapshot for.
- B) Delivery options: Scheduled Snapshot can be delivered via Email or as a Slack message. These allow you to stay up-to-date on the state of your data any time, anywhere.
- Pro Tip : You can customize the email address that Scheduled Snapshots are sent from with the white-label add-on. Learn more here.
C) Email recipient(s): Enter the email addresses of Recipients of this Scheduled Snapshot. From the drop-down list, you can select Users from within the Databox Account. You can also manually enter email addresses to Schedule Snapshots to be sent to non-Databox users.After typing in an email address, click tab on your keyboard to complete the entry and move to the next email address.
D) Frequency: Choose the frequency, day and time at which you want the Scheduled Snapshot to be sent out.
E) File Format: Choose the format that you want to receive your Databoard Snapshot in.If you choose to Schedule a Snapshot of Looped Databoards, selecting the JPG option will distribute individual JPGs of each Databoard in the loop, while the PDF option will distribute 1 PDF of the full loop of Databoards.
F) Date Range: A static version of the Databoard(s) is being sent out, therefore select the Date Range you want the recipients to see data for. You can choose As set on Databoard(s) or set a different (Custom) Date Range.
G) Timezone: The timezone in which the Scheduled Snapshot will be sent out. This is the timezone that is set for your profile. Learn more here.
H) Add a custom subject (optional): Customize the Subject line for your Scheduled Snapshot. This will be the Subject of the Email or/and Slack notification that is sent with the Databoard Snapshot.
I) Add a personal note (optional): Enter a custom Message for your Scheduled Snapshot.
J) Shareable Link: Tick this checkbox to include a live version of your dashboard(s) along with the Scheduled Snapshot.
K) Schedule: Click Schedule to save Scheduled Snapshot.
How to create a Scheduled Snapshot [Example]
We want to set a Scheduled Snapshot to export a loop of Databoards to our Account Managers each week. Our goal is to make this data a more regular part of their routine throughout the month, and to help them connect the dots between the work they're doing and the results they're seeing.
- Navigate to the Notifications page > Scheduled Snapshots landing page
- Pro Tip: You can start from the Databoards page and click ... More to set a Scheduled Snapshot for a specific Databoard. This would allow you to bypass steps 2 and 3.
Click + Schedule new button
In the Select Databoard field, scroll down to the Databoard Loops and choose a Databoard Loop from the list
Under Delivery options select Email and / or Slack
If we'd like to deliver Scheduled Snapshot to Slack channel, we need to choose the channel where we would like the Scheduled Snapshot be delivered to.
Select Users from the Databox Account and/ or enter email addresses for the Recipients of the Scheduled Snapshot.
Set the Frequency of the Scheduled Snapshot. The purpose of this Scheduled Snapshot is to make data a more regular part of our Account Managers weekly routines. On top of that, we want to help our Account Managers better understand the correlation between the work they're doing and the results we're seeing.Therefore, we'll Schedule the Snapshot to be sent to the appropriate Account Managers every Friday morning.
Since we plan to Schedule the Snapshot for the full loop of Databoards, we'll select PDF as the File Format to produce a clean, concise document.
Next, we'll set an appropriate Date Range for this Scheduled Snapshot. We'll select the other radio button that will enable us to set a different Date Range that is primary set for the Databoards, and select This Week Date Range so Account Managers will receive the most up-to-date weekly data.
Enter a custom Subject for the Scheduled Snapshot. We will enter "Weekly Performance Snapshot" to make it clear to the Recipients what's being delivered
Type a custom Message for the Scheduled Snapshot.
Tick the checkbox Include Shareable Link to include a live version of your dashboards along with the Scheduled Snapshot. By selecting this option we'll give our Account Managers full visibility into the dashboards included in the Scheduled Snapshot.
Finally, we'll click Schedule to set the Scheduled Snapshot.
How to view all Scheduled Snapshots
To view all Scheduled Snapshots set in an Account, navigate to Notifications > Scheduled Snapshots.
How to edit a Scheduled Snapshot

- Navigate to the Notifications page > Scheduled Snapshots landing page
- Click the Edit button next to the selected Scheduled Snapshot
- Make updates to the Scheduled Snapshots and click the Update button to save the changes
- Pro Tip: You can delete Scheduled Snapshots by navigating to Notifications page > Scheduled Snapshots landing page, click the drop-down arrow next to the Edit button and select Delete .